Crassula [KRASS-yew-luh] succulent plants come in a broad, diverse range of shapes, sizes, and styles, along with wide varieties.
The most famous of the Crassulas is the favorite jade plant, but you’ll find wide other varieties to enjoy and collect.

There are many other crassula varieties with leaf colors ranging from an olive green to striking grayish pink.
The jade with leaves thick and juicy on woody stems to the square-shaped foliage on perforata, with leaves appearing to grow from leaf centers.
Many make excellent indoor plants and use others in landscaping.
All types of Crassulas look great when placed on an office desk, used in a dish garden, growing in a hanging basket, or planted in a low ceramic container as an oriental bonsai.
Caring For Crassula Plant Care
Light and Temperature
Most varieties prefer bright light, and low light conditions cause the bottom leaves to drop.
Most types of Crassula do best in daytime temperatures of 60°-70° degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures of 50°-60° degrees Fahrenheit.
The amount of sun or lighting varies depending on the variety.
Water and Feeding
Water plants well, and allow the potting soil to dry completely before plants again.
Too much water causes soft stems and rotting. Too little water may cause the lower leaves to fall off. Low humidity is preferred, but plants tolerate moderate humidity levels.
These are slow-growing succulents, so do not overfertilize. Use a ‘flowering’ liquid houseplant food and fertilize once in spring, summer, and fall.
Soil and Transplanting
Plant in well-drained soil using a succulent soil mix. Plants like to be a little potbound.
Repot or transplant in the spring when plants begin actively growing.
Propagating Crassula Plants
Most propagate easily from leaf or stem cuttings. Allow cuttings to dry for several hours before planting.
Stick cuttings in well-drained soil and keep the soil mix slightly moist. Too much moisture will rot cuttings.
When the cut on the new cutting has dried, stick the cuttings in a pot of moist sandy soil or a well-drained succulent potting mix.
Place the pot in a bright location away from direct sunlight. Rooting will take several weeks.
Crassulas Pests and Disease
Mealybugs are one of the most significant pests. See our article.
Other Popular Crassula Varieties
Crassula ovata (Jade Plant) is the best-known species. Learn more about Crassula ovata care and also Jade (succulent leaves falling off).
Growing Crassula muscosa – Small, slim green shrub with zipper-like stems, one of the easiest beginner plants for children or adults.
Crassula perforata (Necklace Plant) – Small flowers at the ends of the stems in late spring.
Red Crassula Red coccinea – Growing The Red Sunglow Crassula
Crassula falcata (Propeller Plant) – one of the decorative crassulas. The common name comes from the distinctive position of the leaves.
Crassula lycopodioides (Shoe-lace plant) – square stems covered on all sides by leaves closely packed.
Crassula mesembryanthemoides (Moon Glow Crassula) – the leaves have a covering of soft bristle-like hairs, giving the plant a frosted appearance.
Crassula rupestris (Baby Necklace Vine) – not really a vine, but the leaves merge at the base to appear as if they are threaded on the stem.
Crassula multicava (Fairy Crassula) – a fast-growing, mat-forming, evergreen succulent with glossy round or oval leaves and makes an attractive appearance planted as a groundcover.