Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose Care

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Cereus peruvianus monstrose is a member of the Cactaceae family of plants. It is a large, tall, thorny succulent perennial plant, recognizable by its towering columnar or candle-shaped limbs.

Cereus peruvianus monstrosePin

Cereus peruvianus monstrose, along with its relative Cereus peruvianus, is native to:

  • South America
  • The Caribbean
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Brazil

It thrives in sub-humid or humid forests, as well as on rocky outcroppings.

You may hear this plant referred to as:

  • Monstrose Apple Cactus
  • Peruvian Apple Cactus
  • Queen of the Night
  • Hildmann’s Cereus
  • Andes Organ Pipe
  • Giant Club Cactus
  • Hedge Cactus
  • Cadushi
  • Kayush

Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose
  • Common Name(s): Monstrose Cactus, Monstrose Apple Cactus, Crested Cactus, Peruvian Apple Cactus, Queen of the Night, Hildmann’s Cereus, Andes Organ Pipe, Giant Club Cactus, Hedge Cactus, Cadushi, Kayush
  • Synonyms: Cereus monstrosus, Cereus peruvianus f. monstruosus
  • Pronunciation: SER-ee-us per-u-vee-AN-us MAHN-strose
  • Family & Origin: Cactaceae family, native to South America, the Caribbean, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: USDA zones 9-11
  • Size: Can grow up from 15′ – 20′ feet with a spread of 10′ – 15′ feet
  • Flowering: Blooms at night with white, fragrant flowers
  • Light: Full sun to partial shade
    Humidity: Low humidity
  • Temperature: Can withstand temperatures as low as 20° –  25° degrees Fahrenheit
  • Soil: Gravelly, sandy, well-drained potting medium or slightly acidic soil
  • Water: Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month during the growing season or springtime with diluted balanced fertilizer application
  • Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to mealybugs and scale insects, can also be affected by stem and root rot if overwatered
  • Propagation: Can be propagated by stem cuttings or seeds
  • Plant Uses: Ornamental plants, container specimen plants, can be grown indoors or outdoors in a container or in the ground.

Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose Care

Size and Growth

Apple Cactus can reach a height of 15′ – 20′ feet with a spread of 10′ – 15′ feet.

There are several varieties of Cereus, but the monstrose type is the largest. It displays columnar growth, with each appendage attaining a diameter of about 6″ inches.

The ribbed limbs have wavy edges. Side branches are sparse, small, and rather contorted.

Cereus cactus in a pot among succulents.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @suculoverscanal

Peruvian Apple Cactus has an extensive root system and a very deep taproot. Its root system can spread to several feet around the plant.

The thick, convoluted spines of this cactus are grayish-blue or grayish-green in color. The columns may be twisted, and the rib edges are quite bumpy.

Flowering and Fragrance

The flowers of the Apple Cactus have an unusual circadian flowering rhythm. The large white flowers almost only bloom at night, opening at sunset and closing at sunrise.

They follow a 24-hour rhythm for 3 to 4 days within the lunar cycle. Typically, they bloom the most during the full moon.

Flowers are approximately 6″ – 10″ inches across and are of a loose funnel shape. Blossoms are usually white or rose-colored with white centers.

The tubes of the flowers are pale green and are approximately 8″ – 10″ inches long. The stamens and anthers are cream-colored.

Two potted cacti on a wooden shelf.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @pot.kecil

Immature plants do not bloom. It takes several years for a plant to become mature enough to begin blooming at all.

During the night, the flowers are attractive to night-flying insects and bats. Very early in the morning, hummingbirds enjoy the blooms.

Blooms transition into small, green fruits, which gradually become violet and then red. The ripe fruit resembles apples. Its pulp is very flavorful and juicy and is often said to be as sweet as sugar cane but with a very crunchy texture.

Many say that the fruit of this cactus is somewhat like Dragon Fruit in flavor and structure. The flesh of the fruit is quite juicy and filled with a great many tiny, crunchy, edible black seeds.

It takes quite a while for the fruit to mature on the plant, but once picked, you must eat it right away, or it will ferment.

Light and Temperature

Cereus peruvianus monstrose is quite tolerant of both warm temperatures and cold. It can withstand temperatures as low as 20° –  25° degrees Fahrenheit and desert-like temperatures in the hundreds.

It thrives in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11.

This cactus does well in full sun but must be appropriately acclimated to prevent sunburn. It can also do well in partial shade and tolerates low humidity.

Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose growing in full sunPin

Watering and Fertilizer

This very drought-tolerant cactus does quite well with a single deep monthly irrigation. Twice a month is preferable, especially if your soil is extremely fast draining.

If you keep the plant in a container, it may need supplemental water more often. In any event, always be sure to water deeply and then wait until the soil is relatively dry before watering again. Too much water leads to root rot.

Tall cactus by a wooden fence under a blue sky.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @thelatinnames

This cactus family member has no real need for fertilizer. But a single feeding of a diluted, balanced fertilizer application (20-20-20) can encourage growth in the springtime.

Soil and Transplanting

This plant does well in a gravelly, sandy, well-drained potting medium with a good bit of loam soil and other organic matter, as with most cacti. Slightly acidic soil with a pH level lower than 6 is best.

Tall cacti in a greenhouse, sunlit from above.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @rawlingsconservatory

NOTE: Any quality potting mix for cactus works well for Cereus cactus plants.

Be sure to protect recently transplanted cactus from the harsh sun and other extreme elements.

Grooming and Maintenance

Harvest the fruit when it is ripe. Protect the tips of the plants’ branches from frost by covering them with Styrofoam cups during a cold snap. This is especially important for small, young plants.

How to Propagate Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose?

It is easy to grow this cactus either from stem cuttings or from seed propagation. As with most cacti, allow cuttings to callus over before planting them in fast-draining soil.

Close-up of a textured blue cactus plant.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @morillasanateresa

Protect cuttings from frost and other harsh weather conditions for the first several years.

Cereus Monstrose Apple Cactus Pests or Diseases

As with most cacti, poorly draining soil and cool, wet weather will cause root and stem rot.

Cacti with too much water, too little light, or otherwise poorly kept are subject to infestation by mealybugs and scale.

Young plants placed in full sun are subject to sunburn.

Tall blue cactus in sunny nursery.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @thelatinnames

Is the Monstrose Plant Toxic to People or Pets?

Cereus peruvianus monstrose is not toxic, and its fruits are edible and delicious.

Is Peruvianus Monstrose Considered Invasive?

This large, slow-growing, rather particular cactus is not invasive.

Multiple cacti in a greenhouse, including two large fan-shaped cacti in terracotta pots.Pin
Photo Credit: @thedailycactus_pianta_grassa

Suggested Monstrose Apple Cactus Uses

This fascinating, unusual-looking treelike cactus makes beautiful container specimens. Remember, it can get quite large, so you will need to be sure to have plenty of room for it to grow.

This imposing cactus grows naturally in areas when planted in a row and used as a living fence.

Green cactus with spikes in pot.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @lovecactusaustralia

In Israel, Cereus peruvianus is commercially grown for its delicious fruit.

These cacti help as hosts for propagating slow-growing cacti. Cuttings of other types of cactus are often grafted onto Cereus peruviana’s rootstock to encourage quicker growth.