Red Ginger or Alpinia purpurata are Malaysian plants from ginger family with showy flowers growing from brightly colored red flower bracts. They can also be found in different areas of Southeast Asia.
Unlike what most people believed that the cone-shaped bloom appearing as the central attraction of the tropical plant is the plant’s flower, the true flower of Red Ginger plants are actually the small flowers produced at the top sides of this cone.

Thus, a closer look at a blooming Red Ginger flower buds would let you see a small white flower emerging from the bright red bracts.
Alpinia purpurata, also called as Ostrich Plume and Pink Cone Ginger, has 2 (two) varieties: the Jungle king and the Jungle queen. The Jungle King is very stately as it boasts its deep red spikes of flowers.
Symbolizing its femininity is the deep pink Jungle Queen. Along with their shiny green leaves, the blooms of the jungle king and jungle queen are popularly used in tropical cut flower arrangements.
Alpinia red ginger flowers usually last longer and can tolerate long distance shipping making them very popular in the world of cut flowers. When incorporated in various landscape installations, the Red Ginger can add a tropical affect which will surely take your breath away.
If you are someone who loves shopping for tropical flower arrangements perhaps you have seen various mixes of colorful tropical flowers such as anthuriums, heliconias, and gingers.
Check out the beautiful Torch Ginger (Etlingera elatior) and the ususual inflorescence of the shampoo plant.
Anthurium varieties may include pastels, orange, and reds. Rostrata, Caribea, and Yellow Bird are sample heliconias that are mostly used in flower arrangements. But in this short post we will give you an overview of the various ginger varieties used in many flower arrangements.
We will take you to a tour that will introduce you to the world of gingers beyond the so-called red torch ginger (Etlinga elatior), beehive, or shell varieties.

First on our list are those “shell” gingers. These are Alpinias and are called as shell gingers because of their seashell-shaped flowers.
Those lovely spirals or “spiral” gingers are called Costus. Costus have flower petals that open from a cone which is situated at the terminus of the stems. Gingers that carry a mysterious effect are the “hidden” gingers.
They are called as such because their colorful flowers are hidden among their large foliage. Although Dichorisandra is a not a true ginger, it is still called a ginger because of its upright clusters of deep violet-blue flowers that are very similar to those produced by true-blooded gingers.
Have you seen those flowers that look like ballerinas? Those are Globbas. The showiest among the gingers are the “butterfly” gingers or the Hedychiums or Hedychium greenii.
Floral designers make use of the alpinia purpurata red ginger as ornamental plants because of their unique beauty.
Kaempferias or the “peacock” gingers are usually used in lower level arrangements since they are low growing decoratively-patterned garden plants.