Do Deer Eat Begonias?
Deer can be a huge problem for gardeners in rural or suburban settings. We haven’t quite reached the levels of Nara, Japan, but deer in the US are certainly becoming
Deer can be a huge problem for gardeners in rural or suburban settings. We haven’t quite reached the levels of Nara, Japan, but deer in the US are certainly becoming
Begonias can thrive in moist, cool, and slightly shaded areas. This is why you should consider overwintering Begonia tubers once the flowers die in cold weather. The article give tips on overwintering begonia bulbs and tubers.
Of all the many kinds of plants you can grow without ever seeing the light of day, Rex begonias are one of the most satisfactory. Do Rex Begonias Like Artificial
Begonia hanging baskets means one thing to many people – time for the summer-flowering Tuberous Begonia hanging basket hybrids (begonia x tuberhybrida) with tender, drooping stems, wing-shaped leaves, and large flowers in glowing
One of the greatest wonders to be seen in this wonderful business of growing plants indoors or out is the sprouting of a brown, dead-looking seed. And even more miraculous
Begonias come in all sizes, shapes, flower colors and with the rex begonia – leaf designs. Below is a good video on begonia care, offering tips needed for the proper