Growing Alocasia Polly: Caring For The Polly Alocasia Amazonica
The origin of Alocasia Polly is a little bit of a mystery, but this compact plant is beautiful and is a true conversation piece. This article shares information on Polly Alocasia care.
The origin of Alocasia Polly is a little bit of a mystery, but this compact plant is beautiful and is a true conversation piece. This article shares information on Polly Alocasia care.
Whether you have one Phalaenopsis orchid or an extensive collection, you will have to deal with yellowing leaves. This can be a jarring experience for the new orchid owner. In
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A popular houseplant, Zamia furfuracea is a plant native to Veracruz State in Mexico. Despite the common name of cardboard palm, the plant is a cycad. Thus it is also
Orchids (Phalaenopsis) are often the first experience an aspiring orchid grower may have with orchid care. This native of southeast Asia is one of the most beautiful, and also extraordinarily
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The Campanula flower is a group of endearing plants offering something to everyone, from the: Among the most rewarding characteristics of Campanula varieties are the ones producing myriads of starry
Bird’s nest snake plant – Sansevieria hahnii (san-se-VEER-ee-uh HAHN-ee-eye) is one of over 70 different species falling under the heading snake plant. Hahnii is a sport or cultivar of the Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii plant
Campanula Carpatica [Kam-PAN-yoo-luh, Kar-PAT-ih-kuh] is a plant with flowers that come back every year from the Campanulaceae family, and native to central Europe. This plant is an herbaceous perennial, which
Sedum Kamtschaticum [SEE-dum kam-SHAY-ti-kum] is a dense perennial sedum plant from the family Crassulaceae. The common name for the plants is the Russian Stonecrop. The botanical name means of or
The colorful Guzmania is a perennial plant and a member of the Bromeliad family. These tropical plants and epiphytic specimens come from South America, and there are more than 120
The liriope plant (Liriope Muscari), which some call “giant evergreen lily turf,” displays gorgeous lavender or violet-purple flowers and helps bring more color to any garden. Liriope, or lilyturf, is
Pansies are popular, easy-to-grow flowers that provide early color in cold climates and winter blooms in milder climates. Pansy plants make wonderful cool weather additions to the garden. Their bright