Growing Cissus Tuberosa
When it comes to the Vitaceae family, cissus is the most extensive genus and one of the most popular. One of these is a lesser-known but fascinating plant named Cissus
When it comes to the Vitaceae family, cissus is the most extensive genus and one of the most popular. One of these is a lesser-known but fascinating plant named Cissus
For many, seeing a thick mass of English ivy creeping up the side of a brick home is a thing of beauty. However, true ivy plants (the genus Hedera) can
Have you ever wanted a plant only to find out it wouldn’t work out? Perhaps you wanted ivy only to discover it was toxic to your pets. Or maybe you
The Vitaceae plants are best known for being the family of grapes, and Cissus striata (SISS-us stree-AH-tuh) is one of the many non-grape plants that resemble this common berry. Originating in south-central Chile and
If you’re a health nut, you might have heard of Cissus quadrangularis, AKA veldt grape. This perennial member of the Vitaceae or grape family has been scrutinized for its potential (and often imaginary)
Hailing from the grape (Vitaceae) family, Cissus is a genus of approximately 350 lianas (or woody vines). Their name, which translates to “ivy” pays homage to the fact that these
Grape Ivy (aka Cissus rhombifolia) so called because its leaves resemble those of grapevines and its small, dark berries resemble grapes. Cissus grape Ivy is not a real ivy at
Cissus discolor comes from the island of Java, where it’s found growing in the warm tropical rain forests. Thanks to its large, striking leaves and climbing growth, Cissus discolor has