How Do You Store Daffodil Bulbs Over The Summer

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To ensure the survival of your daffodil bulbs for spring, store them in a cool, dry space for a successful bloom next year.

Flowering Daffodil bulbs How to store themPin

Saving Your Daffodil Bulbs

After the frost of winter is gone and before the heat of summer approaches, daffodils bloom as one of the most beautiful flower bulbs any garden can feature. But how can you preserve daffodil bulbs over winter?

Some gardeners do not dig up and transplant their daffodil bulbs. Instead, they choose to leave the bulbs in the ground year-round, underneath a layer of dirt below the frost, and then wait for them to grow come spring.

Dirty trowel beside a bowl of bulbs on wood.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @barbaracarrollaz

It works for some. But for others, digging up and replanting the bulbs in warmer weather is the surefire way to enjoy an exciting and color blossom in spring.

Related: Summer Blooming Bulbs

How To Prepare Your Daffodil Bulbs Successfully

Ideally, you will allow your daffodil bulbs to winterize every year before flowering in spring. For that, you need to follow our step-by-step guide on preparing your daffodil bulbs successfully.

Bright daffodils blooming in soil against blue sky.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @oldboys_flowers
  • Start by digging up each bulb when the leaves are yellow and dead; if you dig them up too early, you risk losing the flower. When you allow the leaves to die on their own, they collect energy for the next year.
  • If you replant bulbs often, you will note they are in clumps. Please take a moment to shake free excess soil and gently pull each bulb apart.
  • If you spot any rot, which presents as brown or soft bulbs, remove them from the group and dispose of them. You do not want the rot to spread.
  • Using a pair of pruning shears, trim the bulbs’ roots to prevent early growth during storage.
  • Once the bulbs are trim and clean, let them dry for 24 hours to avoid fungal rot. Once done drying, store the bulbs in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture absorption.

How To Store Daffodil Bulbs

With your daffodil bulbs prepped, it is time for the proper way of storing daffodil bulbs in spring.

Budding flower peaking through soil.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram

Here’s how to store daffodil bulbs:

  • Place your dry, clean Daffodil bulb or bulbs in a labeled paper bag. This prevents excess light from entering to keep the bulbs from sprouting. Leave the bag open slightly to allow a little air inside.
  • With your flowering bulbs bagged, place the entire lot in a cool, dry spot for six to eight weeks. A basement, cellar, or garage is ideal if temperatures remain between 60° degrees – 65° degrees Fahrenheit.
  • If you live in a hot climate, keep your bulbs in the refrigerator. If left out, the daffodil bulbs will not properly winterize and are unlikely to bloom in the coming year. If you have a crisper drawer, put the bag in there and away from direct light.

When To Replant Your Daffodil Bulbs

If you have done everything correctly up to this point, your daffodil bulbs should be ready to replant.

Replant your spring flowering bulbs in late December or early January, so long as the bulbs are in cold storage for six to eight weeks.

Blooming daffodils in a garden.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @kvanbourgondien

Remember to bury your bulbs under at least three inches of soil. To promote healthy spring growth, add a handful of bulb-specific fertilizer to each hole before planting the spring bulbs.

Related: Bulb Layering Lasagna Combinations

Extra Tips for Daffodil Bulbs

To ensure spring is the best season yet for your daffodils, we have a few additional tips for you on how to save daffodil bulbs.

Bulb plants sprouting in a distressed white pot.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @listokeflowerboutique
  • When planting bulbs, it is best if the potting mix is slightly moist but not wet. You want healthy soil for daffodils to bloom.
  • Daffodils prefer filtered or low sunlight levels, which you can find around the base of a tree.
  • If you lift the bulbs during flowering, proceed with caution. You will want to place them in a reserve bed and ensure they are moist so foliage may mature. This step allows the bulbs to accumulate food reserves for the coming year.
  • Daffodils will grow in pots if you do not have garden space in your yard. If using a pot, remember to include potting soil, not garden soil.

If you follow these tips, your garden should look its absolute best in the coming year!