How To Kill Stink Bugs In The Garden

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When you hear the name of this insect, what do you think it does? It stinks! These bugs are often found in your gardens and sometimes even your homes.

As the name suggests, they leave a peculiar smell that deters predators and any danger. This odor is a natural defense mechanism that the bugs have developed to save themselves.

stink bugs in the gardenPin

These odored bugs live in areas densely covered in vegetation. You will notice them in springtime as these bugs come out of hibernation after winter.

The stink bug’s biological name is Halyomorpha, and there are more than 200 species or types of stink bugs on the American continent. Marmorated stink bugs are one of the most well known pests.

Related: 14 Ways to Get Rid Of Sting Bugs

These greedy critters can be a nuisance as they are happy to feed on anything and everything planted in your gardens. This includes tomatoes, squash, cucumber, apples, and peaches.

How Can I Detect Stink Bugs In My Garden?

Other than the smell, you will see pinprick-like holes on leaves surrounded by a yellow or green color.

In most cases, stink bugs aren’t considered to be a big threat, but these insects can cause some severe damage to your plants. And let us be honest, who likes the stale pungent smell in their gardens or homes?

Getting rid of stink bugs is a tricky thing, but several methods exist. Eradicate them, deter them, or control them using various organic or chemical techniques.

Organic Stink Bug Control: How Do I Get Rid Of Stink Bugs Organically?

Stink bugs feed and lay eggs on plants and sometimes appear inside homes. Natural means can solve this problem.

The first method is the most ironic one. Stinky plants repel stink bug populations. Planting garlic, thyme, catnip, lavender, and radishes repel the stinky bugs.

Make your own garlic sprays to deter these bugs. Boil water with a few garlic cloves in it. Let the mixture cool and then strain it and spray it.

Another acceptable option that works similarly is applying Neem oil. The Neem oil extracts available on the market labeled as garden safe are effective against these foul little beasts. Chek out this article on Getting Rid of Stink Bugs with Neem Oil.

Another idea is to attract natural predators of stinkbugs. Cardinals, bluebirds, and wrens love a stinky bug breakfast and pose no threat to humans or your garden. Next time you see them, don’t shoo them away.

You could also have a peace offering as a bait plant. Place a sunflower or a tomato plant away from your garden and hope these bugs make it their home.

Once you see a fully infested plant, pull it up, wrap it in plastic, and keep it out in the sun until the bugs die.

Invite the bugs for a relaxing hot tub at night. Place an artificial lamp over a vessel full of hot soapy water. The light attracts the creepers at night, and the soap water will put them to rest forever.

What Chemical Solutions Do I Have?

There are different chemical pesticides on the market to face this problem. There are insecticidal soaps that you can opt for available in the market. If you want, you could also make your insecticidal soap by mixing mild dish soap and water.

Pyrethrin is another known insecticide, effective in the battle against the foul little beasts. Most of the time, these methods are effective and will help you get rid of stink bug infestations.

If you still can’t get rid of the stink bugs, try Sevin spray; it is effective when sprayed on infested areas.

Always remember, the first step in protection against any form of bug infestation is cleanliness. Keep your gardens clean to reduce the possibility of coming under a stink bug attack or infestation.