What Is The Best Time Of Day To Spray Aphids?

You probably know the pain of an aphid infestation. The tiny insects can wreak havoc on a garden if left unchecked.

Spraying Aphids early in the morningPin
Spraying for aphids early in the morning is the best time. Also spray when temperatures average over 60° degrees Fahrenheit | vallefrias-DepositPhotos

The signs include stunted plants with:

  • Yellowing
  • Wilting
  • Curling leaves

Aphids can even attract other unwanted garden pests, like ants. Getting rid of aphids as soon as possible is the best way to protect your garden.

The Best Time of Day to Spray for Aphids

Insects tend to be most active in the early morning. The best time of day to spray for aphids is first thing in the morning.

When it comes to aphids, the time of day is less important than attacking the problem when you first notice it.

Related: How To Kill Aphids on Rose Bushes

Things to Consider Before Spraying for Aphids

Seeing signs of aphids (plant lice) in your garden is cause to spring to action. But, you may want to consider a few points before diving in with treatment.

What Will You Use to Spray for Aphids?

Determining what treatment to use is essential. Some options could make things worse. For example, you can use water anytime, but some chemical agents could hinder plant growth if applied at the wrong time of day.

  • A spray of water over plants can knock aphids off and make it almost impossible for them to find the plant again. The water won’t harm your plant and can help.
  • Diatomaceous earth is an organic, powdery substance that dries the aphids out. But doesn’t harm plants. Details on: How To Use Diatomaceous Earth of Aphids
  • Mixing a little dish soap in a water spray, can kill the aphids, and deter various insects.
  • Pesticides, especially Imidacloprid, can kill aphids without harming bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

Choosing When to Spray for The Control Of Aphids

Insects tend to be active in the early morning hours, so spraying for aphids is best, especially when using your hose and water. But, if you happen to notice signs of aphids while you’re grilling dinner, don’t wait for the next morning to spray.

Since aphids reproduce fast, you want to get rid of them before they dig into your garden. Waiting for morning may not be a luxury you can afford. Take a peek under the leaves and to see if several dozen aphids are hanging around.

Try Plain Water Any Time

As soon as you notice aphids on a plant, it’s a good idea to pull out your garden hose and blast them with a stream of water. You can do it at any time of day, even more than once if you like.

Knocking the bugs off your plants is quick, easy, and helps your plants. Make sure to catch the leaves’ undersides and repeat every few days for at least two weeks.

NOTE: Don’t spray succulent plants with water. Too much can cause problems.

Related: How To Kill Aphids on Succulents

Too Many Aphids? Step It Up

Spraying your plants with water may not be enough for a more extensive infestation.

Try mixing a few teaspoons of mild, liquid Dawn dish soap with a quart of water. This makes an insecticidal soap. Spray or wipe down the leaves, stems, and buds of your plants.

Again, take care to catch the underside of the leaves where aphids like to hang out.

If you have a heavy aphid population, consider using a broad-spectrum pesticide, like Imidacloprid. Dilute in water to spray on your plants for aphid control.

To apply the dish soap mixture or a pesticide, do it early in the morning or dusk for the best results.

Aside from catching aphids at their most active times, it allows the mixture to dry and prevents damage to your plants. Also, the air is stiller during those times, so there is less spread.