If there is one thing you don’t want to see in your garden or freshwater tanks or aquarium, it is the presence of pomacea canaliculata.
Commonly known as snails or apple snails, this species of snails, with an eye-catching appearance, is quite detrimental for the health of the tank or the garden.

Island apple snail (pomacea maculata) is another common species of snail which is found in abundance in the United States.
This invasive species doesn’t only lay eggs in thousands and carries deadly parasites, which have a negative impact on native wildlife.
Originally from South America, these invasive and non-native gastropods continue to create a nuisance if they are left untreated for long.
In the United States, Florida is home to several species of apple snails which are listed as one of the 100 of the World’s Worst Invasive Species.
This just shows how these terrestrial gastropod mollusks are destructive for both your garden and freshwater aquarium and freshwater tanks.
With most of them being hermaphrodites – which means each individual snail has both male and female reproductive organs and can lay eggs – it only takes one snail to have a significant increase in snail populations.
Apple snails are large in size and can grow to be as large as a softball or the size of a grown man’s fist.
Related Reading:
What Are Snail Eggs?
We have already established the fact apple snails are a nuisance.
We know you might be interested in knowing why the snails are given harsh and severe tags such as the invasive species or gross, etc.
The invasion of these critters in the United States was through the freshwater aquarium trade.
They are famous algae eaters and are normally kept in freshwater tanks to keep the tanks clean.
But they can easily turn to be detrimental.
And if the mollusks are parasitic, they can easily kill the fish – if they are still in the aquarium.
To save the lives of the fish, some people release these snails in their gardens assuming they will survive in this habitat with ease.
But these snails love eating plants of all kinds and since they can multiply quite rapidly, they end up building large colonies which may damage your plants and end up killing your plants.
Adult snails lay thousands of slimy, pink eggs on a concrete wall, under leaves, above the waterline, and in potted plants, which fuel a dangerous invasion.
Land snails or escargot lay between 30 and 120 eggs in a nest it builds by shoveling dirt.
Even though the snails reproduce quickly, it is still possible to get rid of this nasty critter.
The best way to curb snail populations is to get rid of snail eggs before the eggs hatch and reach their sexual maturity.
What Damage Do Snail Eggs Cause?
When in fish tanks, aquarium snails foul the water quickly.
And since they smell so bad, your aquarium which is a means of decoration ends up creating a revolting stench in your home.
On the other hand, if the infestation is in your garden, you will end up losing your plants as these snails eat almost all kinds of plants.
How Do You Control Snail Eggs?
Getting rid of snails and snail eggs is easy.
Let’s have a look at some most common ways to get rid of both land snails and freshwater snails in your house and garden.
#1 – Using Baits
The most effective baits are iron phosphate and beer.
Fill a bowl or a jar with beer and put it in the place where the snails are in large quantities.
Bury the bowl or jar in the ground to make it easier for the snails to crawl in.
The alternative option is to keep grape juice or a mixture of yeast and honey or sugar in the garden or in your home to trap the snails.
Iron phosphate, on the other hand, is an effective substance to kill the mollusks.
To use this as bait, repeat the same steps as mentioned above and get rid of the creepy snails.
#2 – Employing Biological Method
Since snails lay thousands of eggs, it may be possible you couldn’t get rid of the snail population entirely even after multiple attempts.
For this, it is recommended to use a biological method.
Snails are a part of the food chain and a good meal for chickens, ducks, and geese.
On the other hand, toads, turtles, birds, and frogs, etc., also love to feed on snails.
If possible, introduce these predators to your garden and get rid of the dangerous snails in an efficient manner.
But this is true for land snails, what should you do if you have freshwater snails in your fish tank?
Then, introduce a scavenging fish in your aquarium to get rid of snails.
#3 – Handpicking the Snails
If you are not creeped out by the texture and feel of the snail, consider handpicking the adult snails and killing them and then discarding them.
The handpicking job is done late in the evening or early in the morning when these snails are out.