Sedum spurium (SEE-dum SPUR-ee-um) belongs to the family Crassulaceae and is among the 600 species in the genus Sedum.
This particular sedum is an herbaceous perennial succulent commonly used as ground cover and can bring life to any garden.

It is known as the Caucasian Stonecrop, Two Row Stonecrop because of the growth habit it has in growing in two rows along the stem.
Sedum Spurium Stonecrop Care
Plant Size and Growth
Unlike other sedums, sedum spurium has a slow to moderate growth rate, making it a popular choice for growing as a groundcover.
It has a height of 3″ to 6″ inches and spreads up to 24″ inches wide.
Recommended for USDA hardiness zones 3 – 9.
Flowering and Fragrance
Two-row Stonecrop is a sprawling plant that is characterized by thick, round green leaves toothed at the edges.
These leaves tend to start as a medium-bright green and gradually develop a deeper burgundy, red, or bronze tint in the fall.
There are a few different cultivators for this plant, and the colors of the leaves and flower color depends on the variety grown.
Several popular Spurium varieties include:
- S. Spurium ‘Dragon’s Blood’ – popular cultivar, vigorous, dark pink inflorescences, greenish-bronze to reddish foliage color all Summer, turns deep in Winter
- S. Spurium ‘Red Carpet’ – reddish foliage all growing season, deep crimson in Autumn and Winter
- S. Spurium ‘Tricolor’ – (also called ‘Variegatum’) – spreads slowly, not winter hardy, foliage combination looks faded jade green, white, and pink
Dragon’s Blood produces red flowers, Red Carpet produces purple tinted leaves in the fall months,
Tricolor produces pink flowers and leaves that are slightly lighter with white and pink tints along the edge, while Voodoo will grow with purple leaves and produce bright red flowers.
The bloom time for sedum spurium falls anywhere from late spring to early summer. The flowers grow in clusters and are relatively small in size.
If your sedum has been grown using seeds, it will most likely not flower during the first year.
Light and Temperature
Spurium is a light loving plant growing best in full sun but also grows in light shade or partial shade.
This plant grows best in warmer environments. It should be brought indoors during the winter once the temperature drops below 65° degrees Fahrenheit.
Plant back outdoors when the temperature rises to at least 60° degrees Fahrenheit.
Watering and Feeding
Sedum spurium has low watering needs. It is sensitive to overwatering which is why you should wait until the soil has dried out in between watering before you water again.
Overwatering may result in fungal diseases and root rot.
These plants are drought tolerant, so they bear well if you neglect them for a while.
Soil Type and Transplanting
Acidic, well-drained soil is essential for the growth of this plant.
Spurium likes dry, sandy soil with low moisture work best. Loam and sand are great options. It will tolerate poor soils.
Grooming and Maintenance
This plant is easy to care for but requires a little grooming now and then to keep it from growing too wildly.
Space about 12″ inches apart to provide even ground coverage and cut them back if they start to grow over other plants.
Remove shoots without any foliage. It is best to trim plants back to ground level during the fall.
How to Propagate Two-Row Stonecrop
It is best to propagate this plant during the summers however it can also be done in the spring or fall, depending on the zones you’re in.
If you’re in zones 3 to 6, it is okay to propagate during the spring whereas for zones 7 to 9 it is better to do in the fall.
The best way to propagate is through cuttings. Allow cutting to dry out before they can be planted in new soil.
Stonecrop Sedum Pest or Disease Problems
Apart from fungal diseases as a result of overwatering, this plant is fairly disease-free.
It is rabbit and deer resistant but can attract some scale insects, snails, and slugs.
However, it can be poisonous to humans if ingested. It’s a low risk, but it is still possible to experience gastrointestinal symptoms if consumed.
Suggested Uses for Two-Row Stonecrop
Due to its mat forming ability, and good drought tolerance this is a great succulent plant to grow as a groundcover or in outdoor gardens.
It can also be grown as an edging plant, color in the rock garden and in containers.
It attracts butterflies, honeybees and can add a great, colorful touch to your garden during the fall when the season changes.