Sedum Spathulifolium Care: Growing The Easy Going Broadleaf Stonecrop

Sedum spathulifolium (see-DUM spath-yoo-lif-FOH-lee-um) is an evergreen succulent that belongs to the genus Sedum in the family Crassulaceae.

It is native to the regions of British Columbia and California.

The botanical name ‘spathulifolium’ refers to the spade-like shape of the plant’s leaves.

Broadleaf stonecrop plant and yellow flowerPin
Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Common names for ‘spathulifolium’ include:

  • Broadleaf Stonecrop
  • Colorado Stonecrop
  • Spoon-Leaved Stonecrop
  • Pacific Stonecrop
  • Cape Blanco Stonecrop

The broadleaf stonecrop, sometimes called Gormania spathulifolia, is a popular choice for beginner gardeners because it is easy to grow and doesn’t neglect neglect.

Sedum Spathulifolium Stonecrop Care

Size and Growth

Spoon-Leaved Stonecrop thrives in rocky landscapes and coastal hills and mountains.

It reaches a height of up to 3″ to 6″ inches with a spread of about 18″ to 24″ inches.

Individual leaves on the plant are about 0.4″ to 0.8″ long. It is hard to grow in USDA hardiness zones 5 – 9.

Since it is a perennial succulent, it is in leaf all year round and generally blooms in the summer months from May to July.

Plants should be spaced 11″ to 12″ for optimal growth.

Flowering and Fragrance

The Cape Blanco Stonecropsis is characterized by thick, fleshy, spade-shaped leaves common to succulents.

They come in hues of green, red, and pink.

When blooming in the summer, they produce star-shaped yellow flowers, adding a beautiful contrast to the leaves.

Light and Temperature

Pacific Stonecrop enjoys full sun but can also tolerate growing in partial shade.

This plant is quite hardy and will tolerate temperatures as low as 5° degrees Fahrenheit.

There is also a chance the plant will become dormant during the colder months of the year.

Watering and Feeding

Like many stonecrops, Spathulifolium Stonecrop is drought tolerant because it stores water in its thick, fleshy leaves to survive hot and dry summers.

This also means that it does not have very high water needs.

Water plants thoroughly when the soil starts to dry out. However, ensure not to leave plants standing in waterlogged soil as that may damage the plant.

Soil and Transplanting

This plant does well in well-drained soils. Light, sandy, and loamy soils are the best choice.

However, this is a very forgiving plant and can be easily grown in areas with nutritionally poor soils.

You can transplant Broadleaf stonecrop easily. All you need to do is make sure to transplant during the spring or summer months.

When planting, set the plant at an angle to help water drains off the crown.

Grooming and Maintenance

Broadleaf Spathulifolium is very forgiving and an easy plant to care for.

Remove any dead leaves or flowers that remain after the flowering season to give it a neater appearance.

How To Propagate Broadleaf Sedum

You can propagate this plant by taking a stem cutting and placing it in a shallow, well-drained pot of soil.

Alternatively, you can plant it directly into your garden in the plant’s expected permanent position.

Stonecrop Sedum Pest and Diseases

This very resistant plant is free of most succulent pests and diseases.

However, be cautious of overwatering your plant as that could cause damage.

If consuming the plant in any form, be careful of the quantity, as large portions of the plant can cause stomach sensitivity.

Suggested Broadleaf Stonecrop Uses

Aside from being a beautiful ground cover or an addition to your rock garden, spoon-leaved stonecrop is also believed to have some medicinal properties.

In the past, the leaves have been used to treat various problems such as constipation, sore gums, and piles.

The juice from the leaves stops the bleeding from open wounds.

When rubbed on the breasts of nursing mothers, this plant can stimulate the milk.

It is also believed that ingesting the plant might help ease the pain of childbirth for expecting mothers.