Sedum Lemon Ball Growing and Care

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Sedum rupestre Lemon Ball (SEE-dum rue-PES-tree) is part of the Crassulaceae family of plants, also known as stonecrops or the orpine family.  

The genus name comes from the Latin word sedeo meaning to sit, about the habit of many of the sedum species to sit and sprawl over rocks. 

Sedum rupestre Lemon BallPin
Sedum rupestre Lemon Ball

Sedum rupestre goes by many names, such as:

  • Lemon ball Sedum (from Proven Winners)
  • Sedum mexicanum lemon ball
  • Reflexed stonecrop
  • Jenny’s stonecrop
  • Prick-madam
  • Trip-madam
  • Stone orpine lemon ball

This hardy succulent sedum is an easy-to-grow perennial returning year after year with little maintenance.

Many stonecrops are native to mountainous regions of north, south, and central Europe.

Sedum mexicanum lemon ball is a stonecrop native to Mexico and Central America.

Lemon Ball Sedum Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Sedum rupestre ‘Lemon Ball’
  • Common Name(s): Lemon Ball Sedum
  • Synonyms: None
  • Family & Origin: Crassulaceae family, native to Europe and Asia
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: 4-9
  • Size: 4-6′ inches tall and 10-18′ inches wide
  • Flowering: Pink flowers in late summer
  • Light: Full sun to partial shade
  • Humidity: Not picky about humidity
  • Temperature: Hardy to -30°F
  • Soil: Well-draining soil
  • Water: Drought tolerant, water when soil is dry
  • Fertilizer: Not necessary, but can be fertilized in spring with a balanced fertilizer
  • Pests & Diseases: Not prone to pests or diseases
  • Propagation: Propagated by stem cuttings or division in spring or fall
  • Plant Uses: Groundcover, rock gardens, borders, containers

This plant looks like other Sedums. It is why Sedum rupestre becomes confused with comparable varieties.

Caring For Lemon Coral Sedum 

Sedum care is simple compared to many plants. These succulents are hardy and low-maintenance perennials.

Lemon Coral Sedum is a low-growing succulent with lime-green leaves and small star-shaped summer-blooming flowers. Succulents prefer less water than traditional houseplants.  

Lush green succulent in pot.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @creeksidenurserytexas

It tolerates heat and drought in full sun to light shade and does best in dry to medium well-drained sandy to rocky soils as a ground cover, in rock gardens, mass plantings in the border, or cascading over planters, rocks, or walls. 

It seldom needs watering but will grow in moist soils with good drainage. Plants grown in overly rich soils or in too much shade will produce weak, floppy growth. Plants slowly spread over time.  

Size and Growth

Sedum lemon ball plants will typically grow between 4” and 6” tall and have a spread of roughly 10” to 18” per plant.

Planted as the foundation of your large containers, it will spill over the edge attractively, and the chartreuse green spiky-looking stems and needles will contrast beautifully with intense bright colors.

In ideal conditions, this stonecrop can spread well and look a bit like a tall ground cover.

The foliage of Lemon Ball stonecrop varies from a chartreuse hue to a blue-gray or blue-green color. Most varies display a vibrant, lemon-lime, greenish-yellow tone.

The stems sprout tiny succulent leaves that look somewhat like spruce branches.

Flowering and Fragrance

When lemon ball blooms in summer, the flowers are a lovely, tiny yellow star shape. The blooms have little to no scent to the human nose. But they attract hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.

Lemon Coral is a beautifully textured succulent with spiky yellow-green foliage. This tough-as-nails annual is heat & drought-tolerant once established & deer resistant. 

It is the perfect filler for hanging baskets, combination containers, & landscapes. Its beautiful foliage pairs well with other vigorous, sun-loving varieties.

Lush green succulent foliage close-up.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram

Light and Temperature

Lemon ball sedum prefers full sun and will thrive with several hours of sunlight a day. 

The ability to thrive in full or partial sun, complement many other plants or flowers, or simply stand alone make it a great choice for your home and garden. 

It can survive in part sun (roughly four to six hours per day), but it will not get thick and robust without lots of sun.

The lemon ball grows hardy in USDA zones 4-9 but thrives in heat zones 6-9. The lemon ball stonecrop will not survive in temperatures below -10° to 0° degrees Fahrenheit.

Watering and Feeding

Overwatering is one of the main problems the sedum stonecrop can experience. It’s best to allow the soil to dry out between watering. Do not want to water these plants every single day.

Sedums are drought-tolerant, thriving in warm temperatures without water for days at a time.

Sedum lemon ball also requires little in the way of fertilizer.

One application of granular plant fertilizer once a year is enough in most cases. If you use dry fertilizer, water it into the soil for the stonecrop to absorb it.

Soil and Transplanting

Sedum lemon ball does best in soil with a pH of 6.5 and higher. As a side note, this plant can handle poor soil and periods of brief drought.

Stonecrop can thrive in soil that gets a bit acidic and alkaline. Lemon ball stonecrop can handle mild, environmentally salty soils.

The most crucial thing is to have well-drained soil and avoid excessive watering. Overwatering will destroy the root system fast.

Sedum will do better in somewhat dry soil than in overly-wet soil. Allowing your Sedum lemon ball to sit in water-logged soil can kill the plant.

The Eco+Grande is a game-changing plant container made from plants!  This compostable container is made from starchy renewable plants like corn, switch grass, and sugar beets grown in the United States.

If you plan to propagate Sedum lemon ball, take stem cuttings in early summer.

Yellow flowers among green spiky leaves.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @judybelg

Grooming And Maintenance

Sedums do not need much maintenance aside from occasional watering during dry spells.

Plant lemon balls as a partial ground cover, or border edging, in rock gardens, xeriscapes, planters, or flower boxes with bright light.

A Sedum lemon ball plant does the job anywhere you want a low-maintenance plant in full sun.

It’s best to trim back dead foliage in spring for yearly cleanup before new growth begins.

Trim back overgrowth that spreads into unwanted parts of your landscape.

How To Propagate Stonecrop

Lemon ball sedum plants can live for years. If you have an old plant, consider propagating it to keep the Sedum going.

To propagate, take clippings, leaving enough stem to sprout new roots.

Keep the new clippings out of direct sun to prevent them from burning up. Plant the cuttings in dry soil for a week in partial light to allow new roots to form.

Water lightly in the first couple of weeks without over-saturating the soil.

If the stonecrop starts to get crowded, transplant some of the Sedum to another area. Space clusters roughly 10″ inches apart or more.

Cut out a portion of the Sedum lemon ball with both roots and leaves and replant in full or part sun.

Stonecrop Lemon Ball Pests and Diseases

Lemon ball sedum is highly resistant to most pests and diseases.

Even deer typically steer clear of this plant. Insects such as moths and mealybugs tend to avoid this Sedum.

The most frequent disease your lemon ball is likely to encounter is root rot from overwatering.


Sedums are simple plants to grow. They do well in various climates and require minimal care.

With once-a-year grooming and infrequent watering, you can enjoy these bright chartreuse plants all summer long without much worry over pests, deer, or drought.