Syagrus Romanzoffiana [Sigh-AY-gruss, Roe-man-zoff-ee-AY-nuh] is a well-known ornamental garden palm tree in the Arecaceae family and Syagrus genus.
It is native to South America, particularly Uruguay, Paraguay, northern Argentina, and eastern Brazil.

This Queen Palm tree (syn. Syagrus Romanzoffianum and Arecastrum Romanzoffianum) is a common sight in parks, gardens, and streets in areas with a milder climate.
It’s easily accessible, has a low maintenance cost, fast growth bringing a tropical look to home landscapes.
It also provides a great canopy with clusters of bright orange fruits.
The common names of this plant include:
- Queen Palm
- Cocos Australis
- Cocos Palm
- Cocos Plumosa
Queen Palm Plant Care
Size & Growth
The Cocos Palm tree is a single, gray truck palm with bright, glossy pinnate leaves, which droop to form a stunning canopy.
The size of the tree is medium, and it grows about 49’ feet tall and 25’ feet wide.
The dark green leaves have 300 to 500 pinnae (leaflets).
The size of each pinna is about 18” inches tall and 1” to 2” inches wide.
Flowering and Fragrance
Queen Palms produce clusters of cream-colored flowers during the summer and spring seasons.
The blossoms are followed by round, bright orange dates, which are about 1” inch long.
The main concern of this tree is the fruit dropping as the fruit clusters weigh more than 100 pounds and include more than thousands of seeds.
These seeds start accumulating on the ground, and a few starts sprouting unwanted seedlings.
Light & Temperature
The queen palm prefers to grow in the full sun, but still thrives well in partial shade.
For the young plant, it is best to place under some shade with some amount of direct sunlight.
These plants are hardy to USDA Hardiness Zones 9 through 11.
Be sure to consider the plant hardiness zones when growing the Queen Palm tree.
Watering and Feeding The Queen Palm
Queen palms are drought tolerant and also tolerates low humidity levels.
It prefers the soil to be evenly moist but not wet. Soggy soil will cause damage to the plant.
You should water the young plant thoroughly for faster growth.
Typically, fertilizing the plant twice annually in summer and spring will ensure optimal growth.
Be sure to use a palm fertilizer with the right amount of micronutrients, particularly nitrogen, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese, since one of the main concerns of this plant is manganese deficiency and potassium deficiency.
Soil & Transplanting
The Queen Palm tree likes to grow in well-draining, acidic soil.
It experiences severe mineral deficiencies if planted and growing in alkaline soils.
As a result, palm trees become disfigured with stunted young leaves and might even die if the problem isn’t managed on time.
Grooming and Maintenance
The care of Queen Palms is reasonably easy if you plant it in the ideal soil conditions.
Pruning off the green fronds is essential for the optimal growth of this tree.
However, don’t prune too many of the fronds as this will damage the plant.
The trunk of the plant is susceptible to decay, be sure to keep the turf away from it to prevent any injuries.
Provide it with regular iron and manganese to ensure its proper growth.
Propagating The Queen Palm Syagrus
The propagation of this tree is done using Queen palm seeds.
However, make sure the seeds (fruit) are half or fully ripe and remove the fruit pulp.
Keep the seeds soaked in water for around two days before planting in a well-draining, moist potting mixture.
The germination process of Queen Palm is erratic and slow, taking six weeks to even six months to complete.
Just like the majority of the palm species, the seed germination requires high temperatures between 90° to 95° degrees Fahrenheit (32° – 35° C).
After the germination process, transplant queen palm seedlings into pots for growing on and later plant them in their permanent position, preferably in a sunny spot.
Make sure the soil is well-draining and acidic in nature.
Syagrus Romanzoffiana Plant Pest or Diseases
The palm queen plant doesn’t experience severe pest or disease issues.
The main concern for Queen Palm is palm scale and palm leaf skeletonizer.
Moreover, Ganoderma butt rot is the most pressing issue for this plant as it may ultimately kill the tree.
This disease starts from the gray trunk and starts damaging the root ball and the lower trunk.
You must consistently monitor the plant to control the problem before it spreads.
Frizzle top on new leaves comes from manganese deficiency.
Queen Palm Plant Uses
Queen Palm is mostly used in numerous subtropical and tropical areas and is also a popular choice for urban landscaping. Queen palms look great when wrapped with rope lighting during holiday season.
The fibers and leaves are obtained from the tree to make hats, baskets, and more items.
The wood of queen palms is hard, heavy, and highly durable in saltwater.
It is utilized in various constructional projects, including rustic piers, footbridges, and stepping boards for swampy areas.
The queen palm trunk is often hollowed out to create water pipes.