We long for spring to show us her flowers and before we know it, the hot summer arrives. The great news is that there are heat-loving, hardy plants that can thrive in the heat of summer months.

Give them a good thorough watering once a week to enjoy their flowers all summer long. Check out these 10 great summer bloomers below:
Mealycup Sage – Salvia farinacea
Salvia farinacea plants and flowers are native to the southern New Mexico, Mexico, and Texas region and bloom densely packed flowers. These summer heat plants bloom in the late spring.
Their flowers have shades of either white or violet and have like cuplike calyxes that have white hairs in violet or blue tinge. Russian Sage and Mealycup Sage, like other sage family members, is generally pest free.
Black-eyed Susan – Rudbeckia hirta

These summer-blooming flowers are robust and easy to grow, and they brighten the dark and dull corners of your garden.
If you want them to re-blossom late in the summer, cut them to delay their growth.
Black Eyed Susan flower in shades of orange-red and their blooms have a protruding purplish-black cone. They’re liked by the deer family.
Blanket Flower – Gaillardia sp

The Gaillardia (blanket flower) are summer bloomers produce flowers in shades of orange, red, and yellow.
They are easy to grow as they don’t require great amount of water, shade and fertilizer addition. Therefore, neglect them. Their flowers make perfect cut blooms. Those are a few of the reasons to grow the Blanket Flower.
Madagascar Periwinkle – Catharanthus roseus

Bushy periwinkle plants are native to tropical Asia, Madagascar, and India. They thrive well in both dry and humid regions.
They bloom flowers in shades of pink, pure white, white with a red eye or rose. Many people call it Vinca; a name derived from its former botanical name Vinca rosea.

Lantana flowers attract butterflies and thrive well when it’s hot, and giggles at drought.
These drought-tolerant plants bloom tiny flowers that appear in tight clusters that mimic miniature nosegays. They bloom continuously in hot weather.

Portulaca plant (moss rose), a fleshy plant, is known for blossoming flowers in different varieties of colors.
They blossom in open blooms in the morning and close in the afternoon especially in hot weather.
They thrive well in almost any type of well-drained soil and regions with high temperatures particularly those with direct sunlight and occasional heat wave.
Angelonia Angustifolia

Angelonia angustifolia is a native tropical plant that blooms all summer and thrives well in hot temperate regions.
The plant blooms flowers in showy spikes of blue, pink, blue, and white. Hybrids have additional color blooms.
They are perfect for containers or as summer bedding plants.

There are numerous easy to grow garden Verbena varieties known for their useful and colorful additions to the landscape.
They produce flowers late in the spring, and they are heat and drought tolerant.

Zinnias blooms colorful-rounded daisy-like flowers and they’ve been garden favorites for a long time. They thrive well when the weather is warm.
Therefore, avoid planting them early when the weather is quite cold.
Threadleaf Coreopsis – Coreopsis verticillate
The coreopsis plants are native to the Southern hemisphere. They are easy-to-grow and belong to the sunflower family.
They yield flowers that have a profusion of yellow colors. Their seeds are birds favorite but do not attract deer.