Pachyveria (pak-ee-VER-ee-uh) is a hybrid belonging to the Crassulaceae family.
This succulent plant is characterized by thick, fleshy leaves, loves full sun and gets its name from the Latin word for thick – pachy.

The appearance of Pachyveria is similar to its parent plants Pachyphytum and Echeveria types.
There are a number of varieties of this plant, including:
- Pachyveria bea
- Pachyveria myrtilla
- Pachyveria clavifolia
- Pachyveria glauca
- Pachyveria powder puff
- Pachyveria clavata
- Pachyveria scheideckeri
They are all easy to care for and have a lifespan of many years.
The flower on each plant differ with each variety.
For example, P. clavata has red flowers tinged with silver held on spoon-shaped bluish-green leaves.
While on the other hand, Pachyveria glauca has yellow flowers on tight rosettes. A selected variety Pachyveria glauca ‘Little Jewel’ is the most popular.
P. scheideckeri with orange flowers that sometimes take on a faint pinkish sheen.
Pachyveria Care
Size and Growth
Pachyphytum moon silver is characterized by thick, fleshy leaves with a waxy blue tint and grow on stems or bloom as rosettes.
Flowering and Fragrance
Though the succulents is not grown for its bloom, flowers sometimes grow from between the leaves. The flowers and the plant generally do not have any fragrance.
Light and Temperature
These are light loving plants and given plenty of light – full sun or partial shade. Place them in a sunny spot like a terrace, patio or window sill to ensure they get lots of natural sunlight.
However, if placing the succulents outside in warmer temperatures during the summer months, protect them from too much direct sunlight by providing them with some shade.
During the winter, they will fend-well indoors. Give them plenty of light to ensure good and compact growth.
Be careful not to allow the plant to stay too warm; otherwise, their growth tends to become stretched and soft.
Watering and Feeding
This succulents needs thorough watering to keep the leaves from shriveling up when the soil feels dry to the touch.
Too much ‘extra’ water on the leaves can affect the appearance of the fine, waxy surface over time.
Overwatering can also rot the roots and force the plant to fall over.
During the summer months, fed the plant once or twice. In the winter if the plant is in a cool position, the needs no feeding at all.
Soil and Transplanting
Pachyveria exotica grows best in a well-drained cactus soil using a pot with a drainage hole. I should do once transplanting or if the plant outgrows its current pot.

How to Propagate Pachyveria
Propagate this succulents from stem cuttings. Use both leaf cuttings and stems with complete rosette can produce new plants but stems will produce faster results.
When using a stem cutting, wait for the cut surface dry for a few days. Place the stem cutting in moist cactus soil and keep the plant out of direct sunlight. After a few days, the cuttings will begin to take root.
A slower method involves using leaf cuttings and placing them horizontally in some moist soil. These will eventually develop new plantlets. This method is ideal for growing a larger number of plants.
Pachyveria Pest or Disease Problems
This succulents may experience aphids and thrips and these can be difficult to get rid of.
Check out these natural aphid control options.
A soil drench combined with a systemic insecticide solution and water is usually enough to get rid of them.
In case of any mealy bugs and scale insects, remove them with a toothpick.
Suggested Pachyveria Uses
Given their beautifully diverse appearance, Pachyverias are typically grown as decorative houseplants over gardens.
Grow them indoors and in the greenhouse.
Over time, they can even grow to take on a bonsai-like appearance.