Moon Flower Plant Care: How To Grow Moonflower Plants
The Moonflower vine, botanically Ipomoea alba. Often mistaken for its cousin, the Morning Glory, and sweet potato plant. Also, the common name moonflower is often related to datura inoxia. While
The Moonflower vine, botanically Ipomoea alba. Often mistaken for its cousin, the Morning Glory, and sweet potato plant. Also, the common name moonflower is often related to datura inoxia. While
The bush morning glory, scientifically known as Ipomoea Ieptophylla [ip-oh-MEE-a, lep-toh-FIL-uh], is a flowering plant species in the Convolvulaceae family often found along roadsides. The flowering shrub is native to
Ipomoea tricolor [ip-oh-MEE-a, TRY-kull-lur] is a flowering vine with heart-shaped leaves and bright blue or violet flowers belonging to the Convolvulaceae “morning glory” family and native to parts of Central
Convolvulus arvensis (kon-VOLV-yoo-lus ar-VEN-sis) originally came to the United States from Europe and Asia in the late 1800s. It is speculated that its seeds arrived as a contaminant in garden
Ornamental sweet potato vine (Ipomoea batatas) is an excellent garden addition. They do well in traditional flowerbeds and in landscaping and are wonderful container plants. They can also be kept
Growing the firecracker vine (Ipomoea lobata), makes a relatively easy task. The plant does require quite a bit of attention when grown indoors, and as such, you need to stay
The cypress vine or more botanically correct the Ipomoea quamoclit a species of the morning glory family. A gorgeous easy to grow flowering vine that can make your efforts to the garden much easier
Vines, like the Morning Glory are accommodating garden subjects. Similar to a full flowering Mandevilla vine they’ll adorn a trellis, arbor or pergola built especially for them. Or the morning