In a word, NO! You may see ads for Variegated Monstera seed online, but these advertisers are either misinformed or scam artists.
You may grow Monstera from these seeds, but you will not develop the variegated type because variegation is a recessive gene and will not grow true from the seed.

If you want to propagate Variegated Monstera, you must grow it from cuttings. Monstera of all sorts have a rambling vining growth habit and produce enthusiastic aerial roots eager to establish themselves. This makes propagation from cuttings your best bet for all Monstera.
If you want good variegation, you may be better off purchasing an established, mature plant. Very young plants will not have much variety.
Furthermore, young plants and cuttings can take long to attain any size or become satisfactorily variegated.
Additionally, the immature leaves of a young plant will not have the attractive holes and split that are very desirable in Monstera plants.
Growing Variegated Monstera Step-By-Step
Monstera is as easy to propagate from cuttings as are rampant plants such as Pothos. You can root them in soil or water, as described below.
No matter how you propagate your Variegated Monstera, you’ll need to begin by locating a mature plant and asking its owner to let you take cuttings.
You can either take several small cuttings or one large one. The difference is a matter of personal preference (yours and that of the owner of the plant.)
If you take small cuttings, look for new growth at the tips displaying a couple of leaves and at least two nodes on the stem.
If you want to take one significant cutting, look for a vine length with four or five leaves and an equal number of nodes and aerial roots. When you get it home, you will divide this extensive cutting into smaller ones.
Each small cutting should have a couple of leaves and one or two nodes/aerial roots.
When taking cuttings, use a very sharp, sterilized blade to make a clean cut, at a 45-degree angle, just below an aerial root or node.
After you’ve divided your cuttings, examine them to see if there is a sheath of vegetation on the stem. Remove this because it will die and decay when you put your cuttings in soil or water.
Once your cuttings are thoroughly prepared, set them aside in an area that receives good air circulation and bright, indirect light while preparing your vases or jars.
Allowing the cuttings to dry for a few minutes helps prevent rot during the rooting process.
Prepare a lovely, clear vase, glass, or jar for each of your cuttings. The vessels should be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Have some rainwater, filtered water, or bottled water ready to fill your containers.
Arrange your cuttings in their new homes. They can look charming and make an excellent conversation piece in a setting that receives consistent warmth and bright, indirect sunlight.
Once you have your cuttings arranged, add pure enough clean water to cover the roots. Don’t let it touch the leaves.
Change the water at least every three days. I prefer to change the water in jars that hold cuttings every day.
You’ll begin to see new roots in a couple of weeks, and your Monstera should start to add growth within a month. You can transfer your plant to a pot with a standard potting soil when this happens. It’s a good idea to do this within three months of starting your cuttings.
Your fresh potting soil should provide plenty of nutrients for your Monstera for an entire year. Begin fertilizing in the springtime after the plant has had at least six months in the pot.
It is also possible to grow this plant from the stem, node, or wet stick cuttings with no leaves, as long as you have good aerial roots.
Will Variegated Monstera Grow True From Cuttings?
It is not guaranteed, but it is certainly far more likely to grow Variegated Monstera successfully from cuttings than from seed. When growing plants from cuttings, the new plant is essentially an identical clone of the parent plant.
To be more confident of getting good variegation in your propagated plants, take cuttings from branches with a lot of spectrum. Even then, new leaves may not immediately show a range. Be patient, and they may color up as they mature.
The Right Conditions Help Variegated Monstera Display Good Color
It’s important to understand that variegated leaves don’t perform photosynthesis as efficiently as solid green leaves. For this reason, you should always be sure that your Variegated Monstera gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight (supplemented with artificial light as needed).
If you place a variegated plant in a shady setting, the leaves are likely to revert to green to make more chlorophyll and keep the plant alive and healthy.
Waterlogging can also cause variegated leaves to revert to green. Be sure to plant your Monstera in a pot that provides plenty of good drainages. Use a light, airy, well-draining potting mix.
You must also provide the right amount of fertilizer. A monthly, half-strength feeding of a balanced (20-20-20) fertilizer should keep your plant happy throughout the growing season.
If I’ve Purchased Monstera Seeds, Should I Try to Grow Them?
You can try, and you might get some Monstera plant, but you’ll often get carrots or squash or some such because you’ve been tricked!
As noted above, propagation by seed is not the best way to grow Monstera in general, so you’re better off propagating with cuttings in any event.