Do All Mandevillas Climb? Mine Does Not

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The Mandevilla is a common vining flowering plant that grows best in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. This stunning perennial plant comes in different sizes, colors, and vining and mound-growing varieties. But, do all Mandevillas climb?

The vining variety is the more popular and familiar Mandevilla type for home gardens and landscapes. This vigorous growth produces long tendrils and stems that will twine, wrap, and grow around structures.

Climbing MandevillaPin

In nature, mandevillas are commonly seen growing up trees and along rocks and similar structures.

In the home landscape, they are grown with support structures like trellises and arbors. With the help and proper care, they can reach 15’ to 20’ feet. Given the right tools and practices, getting a vining type of Mandevilla climbing is not hard.

How To Make Mandevilla Vines Climb?

Mandevilla may be called by several common names in local garden centers.

These include the following:

  • Rock trumpet
  • Chilean jasmine
  • Dipladenia

What sets this stunning plant apart from other common vine plants is that it does not have tendrils or anchoring roots.

They do not physically attach themselves to items and will not grow upright if they are not provided with a support structure to grow up and wrap around.

Blooming white trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow centers on a green plant in a gardenPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @punaisissakorkkareissa

They grow clockwise or counterclockwise and always wrap around objects in that same direction.

To grow Mandevilla on a trellis, plant post, or another surface, you will want to do the following:

  • Place the support structure near the base of the plant.
  • Following the natural wrapping and spiring direction of your particular plant, gently start wrapping the vine around the support. 
A red flowering plant in a pot on a metal stand with a white wall background and cozy patio seating beside it.Pin
Photo Credit: Instagram @lauramainella17

The plant should continue to grow and lengthen; you can simply keep wrapping the new growth around as it gets longer.

In addition, if you want the Mandevilla to bush out and get fuller, simply pinch off the tips of the vining stems.

This will encourage new growth along the stem rather than simply at the tips alone.

A bunch of bright pink flowers with yellow centers in a gardenPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @nessasiqueiraaguiar

Continue wrapping the wine around your trellis, post, or other items, and once it reaches the intended size and spread, you can simply trim it back regularly to keep it in shape.

Liquid plant fertilizer, partial sun and shade, and moderate watering will help keep the Mandevilla healthy and encourage healthy, vibrant growth and beautiful flowers.

Related: Will Mandevilla Grow in Shade – Is shade suitable for Mandevillas’ growth?

More About Training Mandevilla

You can use planters tape and twine to secure your plant to your support, ensure it stays upright, and add additional support as your Mandevilla grows.

If these are not available, strips of soft fabric, pantyhose, or loose hair ties can also be used to accomplish the same thing.

Vibrant pink mandevilla flowers with yellow stamens amidst green foliagePin
Photo Credit: Instagram @brownswoodnursery

As the Mandevilla climbs, you can add more ties or move ties up the support structure as the plant grows so you can train it in the direction you wish.

If the Mandevilla is near an outside wall, loosely using staples or anchors nailed into the wall can accomplish the same.

Pink Mandevilla flowers in a metal pot on a sunny patioPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @debragaita

Just make sure they are attached lightly so the plant stems have room to grow bigger.

Throughout the warm growing season, your plant should continue producing new leaves and stem growth, giving you beautiful flowers to enjoy.

Once the temperatures drop below 50° degrees Fahrenheit, Mandevilla will be done for the season.

Two pink flowers with yellow centers against a backdrop of green leaves and unopened budsPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @ctokgoz

As the plant starts to wilt and die off, you can cut it back to a couple of inches from the ground.

Protect it if any freeze occurs over the winter, and when the weather turns warm again, it will flush out with new growth, and you can retrain it again and try something new this time around if you like!

Related: Growing the Crimson Mandevilla Sun Parasol

Non-Vining Mandella Varieties

In addition to growing Mandevilla on an arbor or trellis, some varieties do better without traditional vining support.

You can also grow mounding varieties of Mandevilla (Dipladenia), which grows in mounds, and looks more like a bush.

Clusters of bright red flowers with green leaves on a wooden garden deckPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @mi_casa_de_plantas

This plant variation can grow up to 12” to 18” inches tall and wide.

If you end up with this variety, it is important to note that it will not produce long vines like a typical Mandaville and will not be able to grow and climb a trellis as the typical plant will.

However, Mandevilla, which is not vining as you expected, can still be a beautiful addition to your garden or landscape.

Close-up of pink flowers with green leaves on a sunny dayPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @millsfamilygardening

It can thrive in hanging baskets, particularly if it is the mounding variety or a vining variety that just does not want to cooperate with you can also look lovely cascading down from a basket or out of a window box.

No matter what type you have, Mandevilla is a beautiful plant that can make a stunning accent plant!

A lush red flowering plant in a red pot on a white garden table against a decorative garden backdrop with butterfly ornamentsPin
Photo Credit: Instagram @masterflorists

So check them out today and see what you can do with these stunning vining and mounding plants!