Lithops(LY-thops) pseudotruncatella are visually appealing succulent plants and are wildly popular because of their unique form.
Originally from South Africa, the lithops plant belongs to the family Aizoaceae and is also found in the Rusch Peak (Namibia).

Often confused with Conophytum truncatum, lithops pseudotruncatella is quite different and is usually called the mimicry plant which takes the shape, size, and color of the nearby small stones in their surroundings.
Their deceptive camouflage sometimes makes it difficult for even the experts to identify the plant.
Lithops pseudotruncatella often grow in areas with an annual rainfall of 4″ or less.
Genus lithops survive dry areas due to their capacity to store water.
They are used as both garden plants and house plants and are one of the bestsellers in many countries.
You probably have never heard the name Lithops pseudotruncatella.
This is because it is most commonly referred to with the following common names:
- Living stones
- Truncate living stones
- Cattle hoof
- Horse’s hoof
- Sheep hoof
- Salt-dwelling living stone
- Lithops terricolor
- Pebble plants
- Flowering stones
The name ‘living stones’ is derived from the plant’s original name ‘lithops’ which lithos means stone and opsis means like.
They are called ‘hoof’ because of their uncanny resemblance to miniature hoofprints.
Lithops Pseudotruncatella Plant Care
Size & Growth
Lithops Pseudotruncatella living stones are unusual succulents with a unique form.
They resemble the pebbles and rocks which are often found in abundance in South Africa.
The thickness of the leaves of the plant depends on the Lithops Pseudotruncatella species.
Some subspecies take extremely long to grow.
For a long time, the plant only appears to be a single leaf with no signs of leaf fusion.
Generally, lithops pseudotruncatella have two fused grey-green leaves above the ground, which connect, with a long root, to an underground stem.
Flowering and Fragrance
When growing under good conditions, the plant will flower in mid to late summer.
White and yellow daisy-like flowers would emerge from between the leaves.
Light & Temperature
Lithops pseudotruncatella requires full sunlight for its growth.
If the plant receives weak light, it will end up having washed-out patterns on the leaves.
Weak light will also result in elongated leaves.
If you are growing lithops pseudotruncatella as an indoor plant, place the pot or the container in a bright area.
The USDA hardiness zone of this stone-like plant is 9 and higher.
Watering and Feeding
Lithops pseudotruncatella are drought-resistant and easily survive in low-water gardens, particularly in desert regions.
The plant undergoes the dormant season from fall to spring during which it shouldn’t be watered.
If you want the plant to produce more flowers, commence watering the plant again after adding a diluted cactus fertilizer.
Lithops pseudotruncatella needs minimum fertilizer.
In fact, for highly succulent mesembs such as lithops, there is no such need for fertilization.
Be careful when watering the plant as overwatering may end up damaging it badly.
Soil & Transplanting
If you are living in colder regions, growing living stones in pots will be a good choice.
For the hottest zones, however, the plant can easily be grown in gardens, etc.
The plant generally requires a potting mix or cacti mix which includes some sand.
Before you add moisture, make sure the repotting medium is dry.
Grooming and Maintenance
Lithops lesliei pseudotruncatella var develops new leaves every year.
The new leaves start to emerge from the fall and grow through the winter and into the summer.
The plant produces flowers near the end of fall or summer.
Even though in the winter the new leaves will be growing, you should stop watering.
The new bodies will draw the water stored in the old leaves for their growth and development.
How to Propagate Truncate Living Stone?
The propagation of lithops pseudotruncatella is easily done through plant seeds.
For this, all you have to do is to prepare a pot of soil and sprinkle lithops seed over the surface.
Then, cover the cactus seeds or succulent seeds with a layer of sand.
Until germination occurs, keep the soil moist and then slowly reduce watering.
In the same manner, many people propagate lithops plants by division.
For this, you will have to take out the plant from its pot or container and place it.
Truncate Living Stone Pest or Diseases
Lithops plants may not have many pest problems, however, they are prone to catching moisture gnats, scale, and several other fungal diseases.
To find out whether your plant needs treatment, look out for the signs of discoloration.
Lithops Pseudotruncatella Uses
Lithops pseudotruncatella are small plants often used as indoor plants.
Grow these plants in your house as windowsill plants and use them for decoration of the house.