SUPRISE: Feeding Coffee Grounds for Grass & Garden Is Good!

If you love gardening and drinking great coffee, you will be happy to learn that used coffee grounds make a great tonic for garden plants and grass.

In this article, we will explain why using coffee grounds are so good for the soil in your yard. We’ll also share some smart tips on how to use coffee grounds in the garden.

used coffee beans are good for grass and the gardenPin

There’s No Use Crying Over Spilled Coffee Grounds

If you’ve just been tossing your used coffee grounds in the trash, don’t waste time kicking yourself over it. There’s no time like the present to begin a great new habit.

Set up a simple, plastic compost pail with a lid in your kitchen or porch. Put your coffee grounds, fruit and veggie trimmings in the pail and add them to your compost heap every day.

If you are new to composting, you will soon learn that it is a great way to feed the soil in your yard and garden.

There are some who never need to buy any kind of plant food because good soil feeds plants naturally. USed coffee grounds are a great addition to your compost pile, heap or bin.

They are also a good amendment dispersed directly into the garden soil. They contain a tremendous amount of nutrients that are readily absorbed.

Coffee Grounds Contain Optimum Plant Nutrition

One recent study was conducted using used coffee grounds from Starbucks. The researchers found that Starbucks’ coffee grounds contain .6% potassium, .06% phosphorous and 2.28% nitrogen.

There was also a bit of copper and a trace of magnesium in the grounds. When applied as a soil amendment, the coffee grinds provided some nutrients right away and released some gradually.

This makes them a good choice to give your plants an immediate boost along with ongoing nutrition.

Tips On Using Coffee Grounds In The Garden

If you have acid-loving plants, you can feel free to simply work the coffee grounds directly into the garden soil surrounding the plants.

For plants that are not acid-lovers, use your own homemade compost that includes coffee grounds.

Be sure that the grounds have had plenty of time to break down and become less acidic before applying them.

Feed Your Lawn Coffee Grounds

Are used coffee grounds good for grass?

You can add as a simple soil amendment coffee grounds on your lawn by just sprinkling coffee grounds evenly over your lawn.

Rake the coffee grounds on grass in for good coverage and contact with the soil.

More on Coffee:

Keep Pests Out Of Your Garden & Attract Beneficial Creatures

Slugs and snails hate coffee grounds, and earthworms adore them! This makes coffee grounds an absolute must-have for any garden.

Earthworms eat coffee grounds and then distribute them throughout the soil of your yard and garden in the form of highly nourishing casting of worms. This is one of the best soil amendments ever.

Your Yard & Garden Will Be A Delight For The Senses

When using coffee grounds as lawn fertilizer on your yard, you will never have to deal with a manure from organic material or chemical smell from chemical fertilizers. Additionally, coffee grounds act as a natural cat repellent.

If you have had problems with neighbors’ cats (or your own) scratching in your yard, your problem is solved.

When you use coffee grounds to feed your yard, you’ll have beautiful, healthy, lush green plants in a pleasant, inviting setting.

You are sure to be proud of your beautiful garden, not to mention being proud of yourself for doing your part to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Composting coffee grounds helps prevent landfill overflow and supports you in creating some healthy, green space to benefit yourself, your family members and friends and local beneficial wildlife.

What If You Don’t Have Enough Coffee Grounds Garden Tip?

If you have a coffee maker at work, set up a separate bin for the grounds and just bring them home at the end of each day.

You can also pick up big bags of free coffee grounds for composting, grass, and garden plants from Starbucks. In fact, at most coffee shops you can get all the grounds you want, free for the asking.

Some places do not provide bags, though. Be sure to bring along your own bags or a bin just in case.

Check with coffee houses of your local coffee shop to see if they have used coffee available.

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How Do You Begin?

Reading this article represents an important first step. Follow through by studying the process of composting if you need to.

Set up containers to collect your coffee grounds, and locate local sources of coffee grounds if you want to go into composting on a grander scale.

The more coffee grounds you compost, the more you are helping the planet, your plants and yourself.