Echeveria Subsessilis (Ech-eh-VER-ee-a Sub-SES-sil-iss) is one of the many beautiful Echeveria plant varieties which belong to the family Crassulaceae. Tips on Echeveria Care.
Subsessillis is also known as Echeveria Morning Beauty, and looks similar to E. peacockii.

Some catalogs list the succulent plant as E. peacockii var Subsessillis, however, the form originates naturally high in the mountains of Mexico.
Echeveria Subsessilis Care Instructions
Plant Size & Growth
The Echeveria subsessilis Morning Beauty plant species is 3″-4″ inches wide with small rosettes reaching 3″ inches.
A thick farina coating on the leaves gives the plant a soft powdery look and allows the plant to tolerate full sun.
Bluish green leaves form beautiful rosettes with a tinge of pink along the leaf margins.
Flowering The Morning Glory Echeveria
In spring, red or yellow-orange flowers emerge on erect, upright, unbranched stems, which then curve over.
Light & Temperature
Outdoors Echeveria subsessilis prefers full sun. Indoor plants need bright light and are perfect for life on a sunny windowsill.
Bright light helps maintain a compact rosette and vibrant colored leaves.
The plant is not cold-hardy and will not handle a hard frost.
During the spring and summer growing season ‘Morning Beauty’ Echeveria prefers a warm temperature between 65° to 80° degrees Fahrenheit.
During the fall and winter months, maintain temperatures between 60° to 75° degrees Fahrenheit.
Watering and Feeding
As with all Echeverias, Subsessilis likes infrequent watering and prefers dry conditions after the plant becomes established.
Do not overwater!
After watering, allow the soil moisture to dry completely before watering again. Once per week should be adequate.
More on the topic of Echeveria Watering
If you detect wrinkled leaves, it is an indication that the plant needs more water.
Fertilize during the summer months with a liquid fertilizer at half strength.
Potting Soil & Transplanting
Echeveria subsessilis needs excellent drainage and porous soil.
Use pots or containers with drainage holes and plant a well-draining succulent soil mix.
The soil mix should contain 50% to 70% percent perlite, pumice, or sand.
More on succulent potting soil mix from PlantCareToday.
Grooming and Maintenance
The Echeveria species do not require much grooming or maintenance other than removing dead leaves.
These species are easy to care for and are drought tolerant.
How To Propagate Morning Glory Echeveria
Just like other types of Echeveria plants, subsessilis will grow from seeds.
However, propagation through offsets produced at the base of the mother plant and leaf cuttings will offer better results.
- Best to propagate in spring or summer
- Remove the offsets with a sharp knife and plant them in individual containers.
- When propagating from leaf cuttings
- Remove a few leaves from the plant (mature leaves root fastest)
- Allow them to dry for about 24 hours
- Place the cut ends in a moist, succulent potting mix.
- Avoid covering the pot as succulents start rotting if there is too much moisture.
- Place the pot or tray in an area that is airy and warm with indirect light.
- Occasionally mist or water, making sure the soil is not too damp.
- Leaves will begin to sprout roots within a month.
- Once the plant has grown a bit, transfer it to a small pot.
Echeveria Pest or Disease Problems
Keeping plants dry will eliminate much of the potential for disease.
Other than root rot from overwatering, the plant is free of most pests.
However, keep on a lookout for aphids and mealybugs hiding in the rosettes.
If you notice these pests, handle them quickly to avoid spreading to other succulents in your collection.
Check out our PlantCareToday article on succulent Echeveria pests and diseases for more details.
Suggested Echeveria ‘Morning Beauty’ Uses
‘Morning Beauty’ makes a wonderful potted house plant and window companion.
As small plants, they make beautiful displays when used in indoor terrariums and in mixed container succulent gardens.
They make outstanding additions to outdoor succulents or rock gardens. Use them both indoors and indoors.
Whatever location you choose, make sure the plant receives lots of bright light and do not overwater.
Dive Deeper Into Echeveria Succulents
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