Check Out These Echeveria Companion Plants

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Echeverias are stunning succulents known for their rosette-shaped leaves and vibrant colors. 

Available in about 200 species and genus with countless hybrids, these members of the Crassulaceae family of plants bring complementary colors and interest to any garden or indoor space. 

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Mixing and matching Echeverias to create beautiful, interesting arrangements is fun and easy. They can also be enhanced by planting them alongside other complementary species. 

In this article, we explore the top ten fantastic companion plants for Echeverias to help you create stunning combinations and elevate the visual appeal of your succulent garden. Read on to learn more.

Plant an Echeveria Garden in Pots

10 Echeveria Companion Plants

1. Aeoniums

Aeoniums are a perfect companion for Echeverias due to their similar growth habits and rosette structures. 

They also belong to the Crassulaceae family of plants, so their care needs are similar. There are approximately 35 species of Aeoniums ranging in colors from deep green to burgundy and even variegated forms. 

When planted alongside Echeverias, the contrasting hues create a striking visual display. Aeoniums also offer a unique architectural element with their tall, branching stems, adding height and dimension to your arrangements.

2. Aloes

Aloe vera hails from Africa and is a member of the Asphodelaceae family of plants. There are more than 400 named species, many of which make excellent companions for Echeverias. 

They share a similar rosette growth pattern and have lance or dagger-shaped leaves, making them an interesting counterpoint. 

While Echeverias display a range of pastel shades, Aloes often boast vibrant colors like red, orange, and yellow, along with a range of interesting textures and attractive blooms. 

Together, these green succulents create a beautiful contrast of colors and textures.

3. Sempervivum

Sempervivum, a very hardy member of the Crassulaceae family of plants, is an excellent companion for Echeverias. 

These succulent groundcover plants have small rosettes that multiply and form clusters, creating a carpet-like effect. Like Echeveria, there are many different species of Sempervivum. 

When combined with Echeverias, the rosettes’ different sizes, and shapes create an intriguing mosaic of textures. 

Sempervivums also offer various colors, from deep red to pale green, presenting endless creative combinations.

4. Sedum

Sedums are members of the Sedaceae or stonecrop family of plants.

These pretty, abundantly blooming succulents make versatile companion plants for Echeverias, and they make an especially nice addition to an outdoor succulent/pollinator garden. 

Sedums come in various forms, ranging from creeping varieties to upright, offering a range of options for planting alongside Echeverias. 

5. Pachyphytum

Pachyphytum plants are charming succulents hailing from Mexico. These members of the Crassulaceae family of plants pair beautifully with Echeverias. 

Pachyphytum tends to change colors in response to environmental conditions. They grow as shrub-forming or stemless rosettes bearing plump, rounded leaves in various shades of blue, green, purple, gray, or even orange. 

The leaves may sport the dusty, powdery coating known as farina. They produce pollinator-friendly, bell-shaped blooms atop tall spikes during their growing season. 

Needless to say, these interesting plants put on quite a show on their own and can really enhance your Echeveria garden.

6. Graptoveria

Graptoveria is a hybrid succulent resulting from crosses between Graptopetalum and Echeveria species. As such, it is a member of the Crassulaceae family of plants. 

Since they are cousins, it’s no surprise that Graptoverias make excellent companions for Echeverias. 

With their chubby leaves and rosette formations, Graptoverias share many similarities with Echeverias. Like Pachyphytum, Graptoverias change colors in response to environmental changes. 

They offer an extended range of colors and leaf shapes, allowing for endless combinations and impressive displays.

7. Agave

Agaves are bold and architectural succulents hailing from Mexico and the Southwestern United States. 

These heat and drought-resistant members of the Agavaceae family of plants can provide a stunning backdrop for Echeverias. 

Often described as “fierce,” these plants have large, fleshy leaves with striking patterns and spiky edges. 

The sometimes dangerously spiky Agave leaves create a literally sharp contrast with rounded Echeveria rosettes. 

There are over 200 Agave species in various sizes, ranging from compact forms to towering giants, giving you plenty of options to create your perfect garden design.

8. Euphorbia

Euphorbias are members of the Spurge family of plants. There are nearly 7000 different species of Euphorbia, so their diverse range of shapes and sizes offer exciting possibilities as companion plants for Echeverias. 

Not all Euphorbias are succulents, and many have interesting and bizarre stem structures and yellow-green leaves. Growth patterns range from tall, columnar forms to sprawling and branching varieties. 

The contrast between the Echeverias’ rosettes and the Euphorbias’ interesting architectural shapes creates a visually striking combination. 

9. Kalanchoe

Kalanchoes are popular members of the Crassulaceae family of plants. They are well known for their vibrant, long-lasting wintertime flowers in shades of white, yellow, pink, orange, or red and their attractive deep green, scallop-edged foliage. 

These Madagascar natives make excellent companion plants for Echeverias due to their contrasting textures and colors. 

Kalanchoes come in various forms, including upright and trailing varieties, allowing for a wide range of creative combinations with Echeverias. 

10. Jade Plant

Jade Plants are members of the Crassulaceae family of plants available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and leaf growth patterns. 

Some grow rambunctiously as large bushes or trees. Still, other shorter succulents have a rambling, groundcover growth habit. 

One of the most interesting choices as a companion for Echeveria is Crassula ovata ‘Gollum.’ This is a low-growing plant with tubular leaves with a slightly reddish tint. 

This cute little plant can make a charming contrast in an Echeveria arrangement. 

Which Succulent Plants Should Be Planted Together/ Companion Planting For Succulents

Do All Succulents Make Good Companion Plants for Echeveria? 

Succulent plants are available in so many different sizes, shapes, and varieties that the combinations you can create truly are endless. 

Generally speaking, most succulent plants (including Echeveria) will do well with bright, indirect sunlight, consistently warm temperatures, light, well-draining potting mix, and soak-and-dry watering. 

This makes care and maintenance of all sorts of succulent combinations simple, easy, and straightforward. 

Echeverias are incredibly versatile plants that can be enhanced alongside a wide range of companion species, including ornamental grasses, annuals, perennials, herbs, and shrubs. 

Aeoniums, Aloes, Sempervivums, Sedums, Pachyphytums, Graptoverias, Agaves, Euphorbias, Kalanchoes, Haworthia, Gasteria, and others offer endless possibilities for creating beautiful and interesting succulent arrangements, spillers, thriller, or fillers in your garden. 

Lavender, yarrow, salvia, sage, and rosemary are among the excellent flowering herbs to grow alongside your succulent. 

They also require similar care requirements as most succulents, including full sun requirements and well-draining soil in warm climates.  

Combining these plants allows you to create easy-care displays with contrasting different shades, textures, and architectural forms. 

However, just ensure to plant your succulents in a bed of gravel, grit, pumice, or rocks and these lovely flowers and companion plants.

Moreover, ensure to use succulents with the color scheme ( the opposite colors on the color wheel) for a beautiful look.

Refer to the information presented here to choose just the right Echeveria companion plants to create your own succulent garden.