Echeveria Agavoides Care Tips: Growing The Agave Lipstick Echeveria

Echeveria agavoides [ech-eh-VER-ee-a, ah-gav-OH-id-eez] is a flowering succulent plant producing colorful flowers with dark yellow tips from the genus Echeveria.

Agavoides like many Echeveria succulent plants come from the rocky regions of Mexico and belongs to the family Crassulaceae.

Red edges of Echeveria Agavoides - Lipstick EcheveriaPin
Red edges of the Wax agave or Lipstick Echeveria Agavoides | brszattila – DepositPhotos

It includes a rosette of thick, triangular leaves resembling the foliage of agave plants that gives it its species name.

It also goes by the common name:

  • Crested molded wax agave
  • Molded wax plant

Many cultivars of the plant exist, each with their own distinct features, such as:

  • “Ebony” cultivar with dark brown leaf edges
  • “Lipstick” cultivar with red edges

As with most succulents, the agavoides echeveria is easy to grow and often produces offsets.

Echeveria Agavoides Care

Size and Growth

Agavoides is a small, stemless “lipstick succulent” with a rosette of leaves with red margins.

It may reach up to about 4” – 5” inches tall with a spread of five to 6” inches.

The bright apple lime green leaves are triangular. The tips of the leaves have a darker color, such as red, bronze, or dark brown.

Check out another type of Echeveria with red edges – Echeveria pulidonis care

Flowering and Fragrance

During the early summer, the plant may send up 20” inch tall single-sided inflorescence red flowers.

As with the leaves, the flowers feature bright colors tipped with darker colors.

Light and Temperature

This succulent survives winters in USDA hardiness zone 10 and higher.

In cooler regions, bring the plant indoors for the cold months.

Wait until after the threat of frost has passed before bringing it back outside.

Echeverias prefers full sun and bright light, but avoid the intense afternoon light, as it may scorch the leaves.

The plant is less likely to suffer from sunburn indoors or in partial shade.

Place it in a south-facing window to give it as much light as possible.

Watering and Feeding

Overwatering or underwatering threaten the health of Echeveria agavoides.

It has typically water needs of any succulent.

To find the right balance, thoroughly water the soil around the rosette until the soil is saturated.

With container plants, continue pouring water until it begins to drain out the bottom.

Learn more about succulent echeveria watering.

The plant is drought tolerant. Don’t water the plant again until the soil dries out.

If the soil retains too much water, the plant may need a bigger pot or soil with better drainage.

These plants grow well without fertilizer but may benefit from the extra nutrients.

Dilute a liquid plant fertilizer with water and feed when watering during the warmer months.

Porous Soil and Transplanting

As with most succulents, echeveria requires a well-draining soil and a pot with a drainage hole. This keeps the moisture from causing root rot.

Use a potting soil for succulents or a homemade mixture of rich soil and perlite with a little sand.

Transplant the plant every two to three years. This freshens the soil, ensuring the echeveria receives essential nutrients.


These plants don’t need any special grooming other than removing dead leaves.

If the plant grows too large for its space, consider transplanting it to a new area or remove the older plant and propagate from cuttings or offsets.

How To Propagate Agave Echeveria

Propagate echeveria agavoides from a leaf cutting, stem cuttings or offsets.

  • To propagate from a leaf cutting or division, prepare small 4” inch pots with the same soil used for the mother plant.
  • Cut the leaves at a slight angle while wearing thick gardening gloves.
  • The cuttings should be at least 5” – 6” inches long.

To propagate using the offsets, loosen the soil around the small plants.

  • Use a sharp knife to cut the thin stalk connecting the offset to the mother plant.
  • Remove the offsets, using caution to avoid damaging the root system.
  • Place the cuttings or offsets on a paper towel and allow them to dry overnight.
  • Plant the offsets in rich soil with good drainage.
  • The cuttings of the green leaves need one to two weeks for the cuts to form calluses.
  • When the wound heals, plant the cuttings in the same soil recommended for the offsets.
  • Allow the cuttings or offsets to take root before transplanting to permanent homes.

Echeveria Plant Pests or Diseases

Overwatering is a potential problem for Echeveria plants.

  • The plant may develop rot if the soil doesn’t allow fast drainage or it receives too much water.
  • For minor rot, transplant the plant into a new container with improved soil.
  • Add coarse sand to increase the drainage. If the rot isn’t widespread, the plant may recover.
  • For serious cases of rot, propagate with offsets or leaf cuttings and remove the mother plant.

Pests rarely bother E. agavoides, but snails or slugs may occasionally appear on outdoor plants.

Use tweezers or your fingers to pick the pests off.

Snail bait also provides protection when used around the perimeter of the plant.

For other pests, such as spider mites or mealy bugs, carefully spray with insecticide.

More on: Succulent Echeveria diseases and pests

Avoid saturating the interior of the rosette with the insecticide, as it may harm the plant.

Suggested Uses For Agavoides

The Echeveria agavoides is a great full sun addition to any succulent garden, rock gardens, or house plant display.

Thanks to the unique inflorescences, it also looks fantastic on its own growing on display in a sunny window.