Cynoglossum amabile [SIGH-no-gloss-um, a-MAH-bih-lee] are charming blue flowers painting the garden in eye-catching color.
Cynoglossum is part of the Boraginaceae family, along with the Baby Blue Eyes flower (Nemophila) and Brunnera.

The two popular varieties available are ‘Blue Showers’ and ‘Firmament.’
These delicate flowers are similar to what is traditionally known as Forget-Me-Not flowers (Myosotis sylvatica variety), but unlike the latter, which grow biennially, these treasured flowers bloom annually.
The plant grows in moderately fertile soil and does well in both full sun and partial shade.
It’s known by the following common names:
- Chinese forget-me-nots
- Hound’s tongue
Chinese Forget Me Not Care
Size and Growth
Cynoglossum amabile is an easy-to-grow plant, has an easy seeding process, and requires little care.
Directly sow the plant’s seed mix in early spring, before the last frost.
They grow quickly from non-GMO, fresh wildflower seeds.
Chinese forget-me-not seeds usually begin to germinate quickly, within a week or two, especially if their seeds are distributed evenly in the loosened ground as a cover crop.
Since the plant is prone to powdery mildew, don’t plant it too densely and give some space between spaces.
This will reduce humidity and increase air circulation.
Flowering and Fragrance
The plant displays blue, white, purple-pink traditional forget-me-not-like flower bulbs from spring to autumn (June through September).
Light and Temperature
Chinese forget-me-nots should be planted after the last frost.
The plant needs direct sunlight for a continuous six hours or more unless you’re growing the shade-loving variety.
The plant loves mild temperatures and will grow easily if all requirements are met.
Hardiness zones 2-10 (USDA Zone).
Watering and Feeding
Water the plant until the soil is moist but don’t leave the soil soaking wet.
Overwatering is harmful to the plant and will cause fungal growth on its leaves, sturdy stems, and flowers.
The watering process should continue until grass seeds are between 4″ and 6″ inches tall.
Once the height is achieved, you don’t have to water the plant as it will survive natural rains.
However, water the plant occasionally if you live in a dry region.
Soil and Transplanting
Cynoglossum Amabile does not have specific soil type requirements as long as it’s well-drained.
For planting the Chinese forget-me-not, clear the area of its existing growth.
Mix the seeds with sand and scatter them.
Lightly compress the seeds into the soil, but do not bury them.
Grooming and Maintenance
Chinese forget-me-nots are low-maintenance plants.
However, some experts suggest these species tend to be invasive.
To tackle their growth, grow them in a container or trim them regularly to prevent them from attacking the neighboring plant.
How to Propagate Cynoglossum Amabile
Propagating Cynoglossum amabile is very easy by plantings of seeds from a direct sow in spring.
In addition, since they attract pollinators, their pollination process is a breeze.
Impressed by the pleasant blue flowers of the plant, many gardeners opt for its re-seeding.
Cynoglossum Amabile Pests or Diseases
Chinese Forget-me-nots are unlikely to be affected by any major pest attack.
They don’t attract beneficial insects like butterflies or hummingbirds.
However, powdery mildew may be a problem.
This fungus attacks a wide range of plants and leaves, appearing as a dusty, white coating on stems, leaves, and flowers.
If your plant shows the same problem, the best way to deal with it is to destroy the fallen infected leaves, especially in the fall season, drastically reducing the number of infectious spores.
Keep an eye on your plant; if you see an infectious shoot, prune it immediately.
If the plant is well-adjusted to the full sun, avoid a sheltered place and plant it in the full sun to tackle mildew growth.
Chinese Forget Me Not Use
Ideal for gorgeous cut flowers, Chinese forget-me-nots are elegant and visually appealing treasured spring flowers that add beauty to your garden landscape.
Their beautiful designs make them top the wishlist of almost every gardener.
Since it is an annual crop, unlike its traditional biennial types, it doesn’t have a bloom time after every two years.
Let your garden maintain a picturesque landscape every year with its annual flowers.
Chinese forget-me-nots are celebrated as garden ornament groundcovers and are widely used in wedding bouquet work.
Deciduous foliage also looks great in your garden’s flowerbeds and woodland spots of the garden and may be considered for decoration in your room.
While traditional forget-me-nots are often classified as eatable plants, Chinese forget-me-nots are mildly toxic and harmful for human and animal consumption.
Great companion options are Calendula, Larkspur, Sweet Peas, Valerian, Agrostemma, and Zinnia.