Tips On Watering Chinese Evergreen Plants

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Chinese Evergreen plants (Aglaonema) are popular houseplants as they can make any interior area pop with color. This is why several types of these plants have been grown for use as ornamental indoor plants. 

Fake plant manufacturers usually make imitations of these breeds.

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So, how do you water Chinese Evergreen plants? Keep on reading to learn more about the best way to care for this slow-growing plant. 

How Do You A Water Chinese Evergreen Plant?

Chinese Evergreen plants or Aglaonema are among the easiest houseplants to care for as they don’t require much maintenance. However, these plants need moderate watering, so you shouldn’t add too much or too little water. 

The best way to keep the plant healthy under indoor conditions is to allow the plant to dry out a little bit between watering sessions. 

As a result, you can avoid overwatering the roots that might cause root rot and affect the plant’s health or eventually kill it. In addition to water, adding water-soluble houseplant fertilizer to the water once or twice a year keeps your Chinese Evergreen plants healthy. 

The leaves of Aglaonema plants have a waxy layer that gives the leaves their shiny bright colors. It also allows the plant to retain humidity when water is inaccessible. 

These plants can go longer between watering sessions without jeopardizing the growth of the leaves. 

Even in infrequent watering, Chinese Evergreen plants are still able to hold moisture, so you shouldn’t worry about increasing the water intake in hot weather. 

Thanks to their bright colors and little maintenance, Aglaonema plants are extremely popular as houseplants.

Related: Why Is My Chinese Evergreen Turning Yellow?

If you forget to water your houseplants regularly, Chinese Evergreen plants can be the perfect ones for you.

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Factors to Consider While Watering Aglaonema Evergreen Plants

There are a few factors to consider when you’re watering Aglaonema plants, and we’ll discuss them to help you take better care of your plants. 

The Potting Soil

The soil should be a little moist after watering, so you should avoid watering your pot every day. This is true even in hot weather, as too much water will harm your plant. 

Well-draining soil is suitable for Chinese Evergreens by allowing the excess water to drain away from the roots, so they don’t rot and die. The best soil mixture can be made of soil, perlite, and sand to allow the excess water to drain.

The Type Of Pot

The perfect pot for Aglaonema plants should have a moderate drainage hole. You can also place the pot on top of a tray to ensure that the excess water doesn’t accumulate in the soil. 

The Light and Lighting

As great houseplants, Chinese Evergreen plants grow in low and artificial light conditions. With medium humidity and proper light, your plant can last for years. 

In very little natural light, the plan will remain alive but will stay idle. You need at least 10-foot candles worth of light to help the plant grow properly. Chinese evergreens make great bathroom plants.

You should avoid placing this plant in direct sunlight, as too much light can kill the plant. Instead, if you have a sunny room, place the pot in a corner or in shade where the plant will receive low to moderate light. 

Related: How To Care For Aglaonema Silver Bay

What You Need to Know About The Chinese Evergreen Houseplant

Here are some interesting facts that you need to know about Chinese Evergreen plants. 

  • These are hardy plants that thrive in challenging conditions. 
  • They are among the best choices for someone growing indoor plants for the first time or someone who doesn’t have a lot of time to take care of their plants. They can also be suitable for children because they require less maintenance compared to other plants. 
  • The colors of the leaves vary from one species to another. 
  • The most famous Aglaonema plants are the Aglaonema Modestum, which is known to clean the air in the house; Widuri, which has pink veins with yellow streaks; and Emerald Bay which has dark green leaves with silver-gray outlines. 
  • Cleaning the leaves with a damp cloth is essential to remove dust and keep the plants in excellent condition. 
  • Avoid placing the plant under fans or vents as they will dry out the leaves and the soil. 
  • These plants are highly poisonous to dogs and cats, so you should be careful if you have pets in the house. They’re also poisonous to horses.
  • Unlike other plants, Aglaonema plants are resistant to most pests and herbicides. However, if neglected, they can be attacked by spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. 
  • With proper care, Aglaonema plants can live for years but should be repotted every 2 years to ensure that the roots have enough room to grow. 
  • Chinese Evergreen plants are slow-growing plants but can still reach a height of 3 feet. 

Wrap Up

Chinese Evergreen plants are hardy plants that don’t need regular watering. However, they need a moderate amount of water, and you can go longer between watering sessions while keeping the plant in good health.