Mammillaria is the genus name of an attractive type of succulent cactus plant native mostly to the southwest United States (southern New Mexico and western Texas) and Mexico, with some having naturalized in
Mammillaria gracilis [mam-mil-AR-ee-uh, GRASS-il-is] is an attractive succulent native to Central Mexico. The Mammillaria plant genus has around 300 species of highly variable forms. A highly prized cactus succulent among collectors and gardeners, Mammillaria gracilis fragilis is loved
Mammillaria plumosa (mam-mil-AR-ee-uh plum-OH-suh) is a member of the plant family Cactaceae (kak-TAY-see-eye) hailing from Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The plant is commonly referred to as Feather Cactus because of its
Mammillaria is the genus name of an attractive type of succulent cactus plant native mostly to the southwest United States (southern New Mexico and western Texas) and Mexico, with some having naturalized in