A Bloom Booster fertilizer is presented as being specially formulated to deliver just the right macronutrient balance, amino acids, trace minerals, and elevated potassium and phosphorus levels to plants.
This is often used to encourage more buds and blooms in flowering plants and greater harvest in fruiting plants and plants such as cannabis.

Furthermore, it is said that the judicious use of bloom boosters will produce more blooms and help protect your plants against weakness and disease.
- Bloom Booster: Fact Or Fiction? Q&A
- Does a bloom-boosting fertilizer have to be labeled “Bloom Booster”?
- Is buying a Bloom Booster fertilizer necessary to get good results?
- How do you know if a fertilizer formula has extra phosphorus and potassium?
- Does a high phosphorus level always lead to more blooms?
- Is there such a thing as too much phosphorus?
- How does too much phosphorus make soil toxic?
- What about plants in containers? Do they need extra phosphorus?
- Do plant nutrients really affect blooming?
- So, when should you use bloom boosters?
- When should you stop giving ornamental plants bloom-boosting fertilizer?
- Bloom Booster: Yea Or Nay?
- Recommended Reading
This article will answer 10 frequently asked questions about the truths, myths, and uses of bloom booster. Read on to learn more.
Bloom Booster: Fact Or Fiction? Q&A
Does a bloom-boosting fertilizer have to be labeled “Bloom Booster”?
No, if you find a fertilizer with a high middle number in the NPK rating, it will encourage good blooming.
Is buying a Bloom Booster fertilizer necessary to get good results?
No. Although you may find a product labeled as a “Bloom Booster” that will do a good job for you, you may find another sort of fertilizer with the same or similar NPK rating that will work just as well and cost less. The term “Bloom Booster” was coined for marketing purposes.
How do you know if a fertilizer formula has extra phosphorus and potassium?
Look at the middle number in the NPK rating. This is the number that indicates the amount of phosphorus and potassium. In a bloom-boosting fertilizer, it should be the highest number.
Does a high phosphorus level always lead to more blooms?
If your plants’ culture is correct, a little bit of phosphorus can help produce more blooms. However, imbalances in other nutrients, problems with soil, water, sun, warmth, etc., will affect the number of blooms your plant can or will produce. Unfortunately, you cannot correct any of these problems with bloom-boosting fertilizer.
Is there such a thing as too much phosphorus?
Yes, overdoing it with phosphorus (just as with any nutrient) can cause your soil to become toxic. Most garden soil has enough phosphorus already, so adding more will actually do more harm than good. Incidentally, the same is true of nitrogen. Most garden soil has enough, so adding high amounts is neither necessary nor advisable.
How does too much phosphorus make soil toxic?
Excessive phosphorus causes iron in the soil to become unavailable to plants. This leads to a condition known as interveinal chlorosis – yellowing of veins and leaves and, eventually, plant death.
Excessive amounts of phosphorus also interfere with the growth of a beneficial form of fungus (mycorrhizal), which helps plants uptake moisture and phosphate.
What about plants in containers? Do they need extra phosphorus?
Suppose you repot your plants annually in the springtime using a high-quality potting mix or container mix. In that case, you are very likely to already have plenty of nutrients in the soil to get your plants happily and productively through the spring.
However, depending on the type of plants you are growing, you may need to fertilize early-to-mid summer again.
For plants living in large containers year-round for several years, fertilizing in the spring and again in the summer is generally advisable.
Even then, most commercial growers (e.g., rose growers) use a fertilizer lower in phosphorus, such as NPK 3-1-2.
Having said that, it is true that bloom booster products are popular among people who grow marijuana in containers and hydroponically.
However, it‘s important to realize that cannabis is a fast-growing crop that blooms once and is quickly harvested. Hence, its growth habits and uses differ greatly from those of roses, bulbs, and other flower-producing ornamental plants.
Do plant nutrients really affect blooming?
Proper nourishment, along with correct culture, produces healthy, blooming plants. So yes, nutrients affect blooming. Even so, blooming is more greatly affected and controlled by hormone levels.
So, when should you use bloom boosters?
Generally speaking, unless you have a test-proven phosphorus deficiency in your soil (or you are growing marijuana), you shouldn’t need a bloom booster fertilizer.
However, if you use it, you should provide a light dose very early in the flowering stage when you first see buds beginning to form.
Some gardeners believe repeating this treatment every couple of weeks through the plants’ bloom time will extend the flowering season for ornamental plants.
When should you stop giving ornamental plants bloom-boosting fertilizer?
Like all fertilizer, you should cease use in the autumn when temperatures drop. This will allow your plants to stop production and rest through the fall and winter months. Then, commence fertilizing again very early in the springtime.
Bloom Booster: Yea Or Nay?
Generally speaking, for well-cared-for ornamental houseplants, container plants, and garden plants, bloom booster is probably unnecessary and may be harmful. The same holds true for garden veggies. A balanced fertilizer would be preferable.
For fast-growing production plants, where the bloom is the harvest (e.g., cannabis) bloom booster, carefully used seems to improve quality and increase the harvest quantity.