Baltic Blue Pothos plants are generally low-maintenance and fast-growing. Why do people love Baltic Blue? It is simple! It does well in average home temperatures and low-light conditions.
Baltic Blue can also grow as a climbing or trailing plant, depending on your wishes. It can be a little upsetting seeing the leaves of your Baltic Blue Pothos turning yellow.

Well, most likely, it’s due to inadequate care, such as unsuitable soil or overwatering.
Why Are My Baltic Blue Pothos Leaves Turning Yellow?
Here are the different reasons why your Baltic Blue Pothos leaves are turning yellow.
Natural Aging Process
If you have been taking care of your Baltic Blue Pothos plant and feel confused by some sudden yellow leaves, don’t worry.
It could be that there’s no problem at all, and it’s just older leaves that are dying off.
You can tell if this is the case if your plant is still growing and seems otherwise healthy.
While the plant care advice for Baltic Blue Pothos is to water when the top layer of soil is dry, it’s sometimes challenging to gauge.
Usually, your pothos plant will look droopy when it needs water, so you don’t have to guess too much. And once it gets its needed moisture, it will look happy and healthy again.
However, it might be underwatered if you notice crispy yellow leaves on your pothos plant.
To help your pothos plant, it’s a good idea to break up the soil with a small gardening tool.
Then, pour water onto the soil until you see water coming out of the draining holes of the pot.
Using this method should help your underwatered plant begin to thrive again.
Unlike an underwatered pathos plant, an overwatered plant may have wilting yellow leaves with brown spots.
The leaves turn yellow because the plant sits in excess water for an extended period, causing the roots to lack some oxygen.
Oxygen is necessary for the roots to stay healthy and thrive, so the leaves can turn yellow when the oxygen level is depleted.
Overwatering can be caused by providing too much water to your plant at one time, not having proper drainage holes on your pot, or not having adequate soil for your plant.
Pothos Is Rootbound
Another cause of yellow leaves on your pothos plant is if your plant has outgrown its current container.
You’ll know if your plant is rootbound because some roots are coming out of the drainage holes or the plant seems to have stopped growing.
If this is the case, it’s a good idea to repot your Baltic Blue Pathos plant.
To repot it, gently remove the pothos plant from the container and place it in a slightly larger container with fresh, well-draining soil.
Root Rot
An unfortunate cause of yellowing leaves is root rot, which thrives in overwatered soil.
If you notice yellow leaves and mushy stems on your pothos, it’s a good idea to look at the roots.
Gently remove the plant from its pot to inspect the roots. Root rot is likely the culprit if you notice soft, black roots.
Whatever the cause of your pothos plant’s yellow leaves, you can fix most of the problems if you find the issue early on.
What Is A Baltic Blue Pothos?
The Baltic Blue Pothos is a perfect plant for beginners, as the houseplant is known for its low maintenance needs. While the plant’s name implies that it’s from the Baltic area, it was actually discovered in Southeast Asia in a plant nursery.
The Baltic Blue Pothos is a cultivar of Epipremnum pinnatum. As one of the trendiest and newest pothos varieties, the Baltic Blue Pothos has narrow, dark leaves with a hint of blue that becomes more pronounced as the plant matures.
Although it is relatively rare, it’s considered a beginner-friendly plant.
How Do I Care For My Baltic Blue Pothos?
Here are the different aspects you need to consider when caring for your Baltic Blue Pothos:
The Baltic Blue Pothos is a perfect houseplant because it thrives in temperatures between 65° to 85° degrees Fahrenheit.
However, keep your plant away from cold drafts such as air conditioning vents or an entryway door.
Sudden changes in temperature, including extreme heat, can shock the Baltic Blue Pothos.
Baltic Blue Pothos plants do best with at least 50% humidity levels.
Humid air reduces the risk of a spider mite infestation, and the humidity encourages new growth.
If you live in a dry environment, you can replicate the humidity by placing the plant’s pot on a tray filled with pebbles and a little bit of water.
As long as the bottom of the pot does not touch the water, the plant will receive moisture from the pebble tray.
The Baltic Blue Pothos does best in bright, indirect light but will do fine in low light. If you have an east or west-facing room, your Baltic Blue will do best with that type of light. More on Pothos lighting in an east window.
Also, it’s a good idea to keep it about 3′ to 4′ feet away from the window.
Like many plants, the Baltic Blue Pothos needs well-draining soil to thrive.
While you can use pre-made potting soil, creating your own mix is better to facilitate fast drainage yet retain moisture.
Many gardeners make a unique pothos mix using soil, pumice, and orchid bark. Using orchid bark prevents soil compaction and encourages air circulation.
Pumice also encourages aeration and drainage while retaining moisture.
You can also add horticultural charcoal to your soil to encourage healthy roots.
The charcoal also protects the roots from damaging bacteria or fungus.
The Baltic Blue Pothos plant is susceptible to overwatering, so it’s a good idea to let the top layer of soil dry out in between waterings.
Most gardeners find that the soak and drain method is the best way to water this plant so it isn’t overwatered.
To do the soak and drain method, slowly pour water into the soil until the water starts dripping from the pot’s drainage holes.
Once it’s coming out of the drainage holes, you know that the soil is evenly moist.