Yucca Recurvifolia Care: All About Growing Curve Leaf Yucca

Yucca Recurvifolia (syn: Yucca gloriosa var. recurvifolia) [YUK-uh Re-kurv-ih-FOH-lee-a] is a cultivar of Yucca Gloriosa and belongs to the Agavaceae family.

It’s a succulent or cactus plant type native to the Southeastern United States, Mississippi, and Georgia where it grows as an ornamental plant.

Curve Leaf YuccaPin

The foliage of this variety of yucca tree displays blue-green leaves in large terminal rosettes, with a graceful soft arch, giving it a beautiful, distinctive appearance.

You may also hear it by its common names:

  • Pendulous Yucca
  • Curve Leaf Yucca
  • Soft Leaf Yucca
  • Weeping Yucca
  • Yucca Pendula

Yucca Recurvifolia Care

Size & Growth

The single unbranched truck of this evergreen perennial plant shrub can grow somewhere between 6′ – 10′ feet tall.

The trunk might start branching lightly with age. This plant can spread by offsets in larger groups.

Its leaves can grow about 2′ – 3′ feet high and about 2″ inches in width.

They tend to bend downwards sharply.

The tips of the leaves are spined, but they are not harmful and bend at a touch.

Flowering and Fragrance

During early summer or late spring, during maturity, huge flower spikes produce dozens of creamy white pendulous, lantern-shaped flowers.

The flowers spikes are somewhere between 2′ – 5′ feet tall.

Yucca plant flowers are fragrant in the evening and attractive to the yucca moth.

Light & Temperature

Cured leaf Yucca grows best in full sun but will tolerate partial shade.

Lower light levels can result in fewer flowers and spindly growth.

It is a rather hardy plant and with handle temperatures of −4° degrees Fahrenheit (−20° C) without leaf damage.

It can withstand occasional freezing temperatures and light snow and recommended for USDA Hardiness Zone 7 – 9.

Watering and Feeding

This plant is drought tolerant because of their thick waxy leaves doesn’t have strict water requirements once established.

However, if planted for landscaping, recurvifolia plants will always look more attractive when watered regularly, especially during spring through late summer.

Only water an inch every week.

Soil & Transplanting

This plant is not very picky about soil conditions but prefers sandy well-drained soil.

It’s tolerant of clay and once established is drought tolerant.

Whether it is clay or sand, if the soil is well drained the pendulous Yucca will happily grow.

Grooming and Maintenance

This plant doesn’t require much maintenance or grooming.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

It is not usually necessary to fertilize this plant.

It is best to water the plant if there is a longer duration of hot weather.

Plant Yucca Recurvifolia in early spring or summer.

Water weekly to ensure a strong root system is established.

Once plants become established, watering regularly is not necessary.

How To Propagate Curve-Leaf Yucca

This plant propagates through seeds, stem cuttings, root cuttings, and division.

Cut the offsets and stems, strip off the leaves from the few inches at the bottom, and gently planting and treating the cuttings till they start to root.

The seeds can also be collected and then planted.

However, this process requires plenty of patience since it takes time for the seeds to start sprouting.

Propagation also works by:

  • Digging up rhizome sections with a shovel.
  • Cutting them into parts 3″ inches long.
  • Then planting them.

You will start witnessing growth within a month from rhizome cuttings.

Yucca Pest or Disease Problems

Recurvifolia experiences the usual problems like stem rotting, brown discoloration, and leaves curling and turning yellowish.

Remove the rotting and curling leaves to prevent the rot from spreading and utilize fungicide.

Weeping Yucca resists most pests.

For a scale infestation or mealybugs, treat them with an insecticide.

When the foliage is dusty, it attracts spider mites.

The vital thing to keep in mind is the roots of Yucca Recurvifolia contain saponins.

Saponins are toxic to humans when consumed.

However, saponins are not absorbed properly by the body and usually pass through.

Saponins can easily be eliminated in heat, which means, being class 2 edible.

Cook or bake the edible parts before eating.

Suggested Uses For Pendulous Yucca

Since this plant is straightforward to grow and is not too fussy about the soil, its unique texture is often used in containers.

Plant them in a decorative container and place them around your house.

It’s used for landscaping purposes including, shaded gardens, oasis plantings, focal point, border, or accent.

Use it as a pivotal accent point in your garden.

Plant it in hot locations, for instance between walks and building foundations and near pavements.

To make the landscaping even more eye-catching, use different types of Yucca plants to add variety and flower color.

Yucca banana split has yellow strips, and Yucca Margaritaville has white stripes which look amazing in the landscape.

The roots of this plant include saponins which make it ideal for being used as a substitute for soap.

Fiber from Recurvifolia leaves is often utilized to make mats, baskets, and ropes.

The flowers of this plant are edible, crush and dry them to utilize for flavoring.

The flowering stem can be cooked and used in similar to asparagus.