How To Use Epsom Salt For Stump Removal

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Have you ever tried stump removal using Epsom salt?

Epsom Salt has many uses besides making baths more relaxing and healthy for your skin and body.

stump drilled holes to add epsom saltPin

Epsom salt helps tomato plants grow better, grow tastier fruit, and sweeter tomatoes, but it also aids in helping roses produce brighter blooms.

It’s a great “growing tool” in the garden used in the compost pile, helping prevent transplant shock, improving chlorophyll production, and supplying extra magnesium as a fertilizer.

If you have ever asked “how to kill tree stumps,” Epsom salt can help naturally remove tree stumps that create safety hazards without toxic chemicals.

In high dosages, Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) can kill weeds and plants, so it can also be used to kill the stump of a tree – which is why it is one of the most popular “natural” options for removing unwanted tree stumps, not to mention the cheapest.

For many homeowners, the cost of grinding and removal of tree roots in their yards is too high.

Killing Tree Stumps With Epsom Salt

Epsom salt contains nutrients like sulfur and magnesium that plants often need to survive. However, they can kill plants and weeds if used in excess. 

To remove a stump from a tree with Epsom salt:

Using a 1/2″ drill bit or similar size, begin by drilling holes in the stumps starting three inches from the outer edge and working your way inside.

NOTE: It is best if the stump is cut as close as possible to ground level. When homeowners attempt tree removal, they often leave a bigger stump than when a tree removal service is used.

Ideally, the holes should be eight inches in depth or more than half of the actual length of the stump.

Next is to find as many roots as possible and cut them with clippers or loppers.

Pour Epsom salt into the holes and moisten them slightly using water. Leave this for the night until the trunk fully absorbs the Epsom salt. Reapplication might be needed every few weeks or so.

Another method is to do stump soak. Just mix one gallon of Epsom salt and two gallons of water. After that, Drench the stump and any exposed roots of the tree with the mixture. 

Epsom salts work as a dehydrating agent, traveling to the tree’s roots and sucking out the moisture allowing the tree roots to rot.

The length of time it takes for the stump to die usually depends on the size of the stump itself.

You can also add a high nitrogen fertilizer around the stump’s base to speed up the decomposition process.

Some Things to Remember With Epsom Salt Stump Removal

Note that water is only added to moisten the Epsom salts and speed up absorption. However, making it too damp can actually be detrimental since the salt runs off the trunk.

It’s best to do this during the hot season so that the trunk’s roots have no other place to obtain moisture.

If you’re removing stumps during the rainy season, however, make sure that you:

  • Place a tarp on top of the trunk to cover the holes
  • Place Epsom salts on any exposed root so it wouldn’t obtain moisture from the soil.
  • It’s best to cover the hole with topsoil or mulch too.

Why Use Epsom Salt To Get Rid Of Kill Stumps?

With so many options for how to remove stumps, why is Epsom salt a preferred solution?

  • Epsom salts use is not physically draining. Beyond drilling holes into the top of the stump, you don’t have to do anything else that demands physical activity.
  • The use of Epsom salts directly on the stump manages to kill the tree trunk and root system without actually harming the soil.
  • Epsom salts are cheap; you can use any leftovers for other needs.

Other methods for removing stumps include a digging bar, shovel, ax, handsaw, or chainsaw.

You can also use boiling water to kill a tree stump without using tree stump killers. 

However, hiring a professional for tree stump removal is best, especially if you have no experience digging or using the drilling method on tree stumps from your property. 

Professionals also have the proper heavy-duty equipment to get the job done properly, including a stump grinder.

Video: Removing Tree Stumps With Epsom Salts

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