Tuberous Begonia Care Is Easy: Sharing A Personal Growing Experience
Summary: Tuberous begonia care is simple. Follow a few rules in your care – direct sunlight, well-drained soil, and water. Soon bulbs full of colorful, showy bloom will fill a pot
Summary: Tuberous begonia care is simple. Follow a few rules in your care – direct sunlight, well-drained soil, and water. Soon bulbs full of colorful, showy bloom will fill a pot
The Elatior Begonia [ee-LAY-tee-or] [be-GON-yuh], aka Rieger begonia, belongs to the Begoniaceae genus, the sixth-largest flowering plant genus in the world. The original plant (begonia x hiemalis), was a hybrid created by English plant
The Painted-Leaf begonia, aka Rex begonia, with their large, colorful leaves, help make them perfect indoor plants for the window garden. The begonia rex plant belongs to the genus Begonia and
Dragon Wing Begonia, also known by the common names of: … and is a perennial flowering hybrid species of the family Begoniaceae. Professionally known by the scientific name begonia x hybrida
Angel Wing begonia [be-GON-yuh] is a flowering plant producing clusters of colorful coral-red flowers. It’s a hybrid begonia, created from a cross between Begonia coccinea and Begonia aconitifolia. There are