How To Care For Carex Tumulicola Plants
Carex tumulicola (KAR-eks too-mew-li-KO-la) is a grass-like herb native to the west coast of the United States and parts of Canada. This ornamental grass is found on Channel Island and
Carex tumulicola (KAR-eks too-mew-li-KO-la) is a grass-like herb native to the west coast of the United States and parts of Canada. This ornamental grass is found on Channel Island and
Carex oshimensis evergold [KAR-eks, o-she-MEN-sis] is a member of the Cyperaceae or sedge family and hails from the rocky slopes and dry woods of Japan’s Honshu Island. This evergreen perennial
Carex divulsa (KAY-reks di-VUL-sah) is an ornamental sedge grass native to Asia, North America, and Europe. This hardy, rugged perennial member of the Cyperaceae family of plants. The plant’s genus
Carex Testacea [KAR-eks, test-uh-SEE-uh] is a deciduous evergreen tufted perennial from the sedge or graminoid family Cyperaceae. This arching ornamental grass is a New Zealand native, earning the common name New Zealand Orange Sedge. The