The Hoya Macrophylla variegata is one of the longest-lived and easiest to maintain houseplants. They’re known for their large waxy leaves, low-maintenance, and visual appeal.
The Hoya Macrophylla [HOY-yuh] [mak-roh-FIL-uh] belongs to one of the most common houseplant types known as “wax plants.”

The Hoya Macrophylla (variety of wax plant) is native to the Austral-Asia region. Before deforestation in the area, there used to be over five hundred varieties of Hoya plants in the wild.
The Macrophylla plant is part of the family, Apocynaceae [a-pos-ih-NAY-see-ee]. The climbing tropical vine crawls up other plants and trees’ surfaces.
The leaves often include stripes of white, yellow, or pink coloring amidst its deep green shade. This coloring, paired with its waxy leaf texture, makes the plant stand out from other Hoya’s and vining.
A few common names include:
- Hoya Browniana
- Hoya Clandestina
- Hoya Macrophylla White Margins
Hoya Macrophylla is a tropical plant considered to be a tender perennial. The term “tender” references the plant’s hardiness. Tender perennials are half-hardy, withstanding most conditions.
Hoya Macrophylla Care Requirements
Size & Growth
Hoya Macrophylla is known to grow 4′ – 6′ feet in height. Its vining nature is often measured based on its vines’ length from the plant’s base as a climber. [source]
The leaves of the Hoya Macrophylla are quite large and can reach up to about four or five inches in length.
Flowering and Fragrance
Hoya Macrophylla produces clusters of small, pink and white flowers in late spring or early summer.
During the day, the flowers are odorless. At night the flowers fill the air with fragrance when natural pollinators come out.
Some claim flower fragrance is that of hyacinth. Others consider the smell to be like chocolate with stinky socks.
Light & Temperature
Provide Macrophylla with plenty of bright indirect light during the growing season.
Avoid direct sunlight with Hoya Macrophylla. Place Macrophylla a couple of feet from an east-facing window, where it can receive short periods of direct and indirect sunlight.
Indirect lighting makes them great as a hanging basket or potted specimen near windows with plenty of bright light.
During the spring and summer months maintain temperatures between 65° – 80° degrees Fahrenheit (18 – 26°C)r.
During winter maintain temperatures between 55° – 60° degrees Fahrenheit (13 – 15°C).
Hoya Macrophylla grows naturally in hot and arid climates with infrequent rains. The plant does best when it can dry out completely before enjoying a good soak.
A great way to properly water Hoya Macrophylla is by ensuring the soil is completely dry. Stick your finger about an inch into the top of the soil and check for dryness. Do the same with the bottom of the plant, through the drainage holes.
If the plant is dry, soak the pot’s bottom in a shallow pool of water (a tub works fine). Be sure to water the top of the soil as well.
Allow the plant to soak for about ten minutes. Give the plant some time to drain completely so there will not have dripping when hanging a plant back up. Overwatering leads to root rot.
Use rainwater or distilled water when watering.
Soil Potting Mix & Transplanting
Use a well-draining soil. Use a simple soil mix of :
- 2 Parts peat moss
- 1 Part perlite
Repot Macrophylla every 2 years.
Grooming And Maintenance
Macrophylla Hoya is a low-maintenance plant.
Trim off any dead leaves so the plant does not use energy trying to keep leaves alive.
How To Propagate Macrophylla Hoya
Hoyas are one of the easiest plants to propagate.
- Take stem cuttings with 2 nodes
- Dip cut end in a rooting hormone powder
- Place the cutting in a small pot for rooting
- Cover the pot with a plastic covering to keep the humidity levels higher.
- Maintain temperatures above 72° degrees Fahrenheit.
NOTE: Using sphagnum moss to propagate plants rather than soil help root easier.
The moss, when kept moist, helps the plant transfer to soil much easier.
Macrophylla Pests or Diseases
Mealybugs are a common pest for Hoya plants. The bugs love hot and humid environments and will spread to plants’ if given a chance.
A sign that your plant may be at the mercy of mealybugs is if you notice the leaves of your Hoya yellowing and curling.
Check the stem and leaf axils for bugs. If they are present, move the plant away from others to prevent the spread.
Once isolated from the other plants spray the whole plant with a Neem oil insecticide solution. Make sure you cover the tops and bottoms of leaves and the leaf axils.
Hoya plants in lower lighting, reduced air circulation and moist soil may show yellow and black leaves. A sign of a fungal issue.
Reduce watering, move the plant to brighter lighting and provide more air circulation.