Decorative Containers Pots and Plants The Perfect Match

Question: We’ve been looking for some large lightweight containers to cover up the plastic pots our houseplants are growing in and put the finishing “decorative” touch to the living room of our new home.

Should we use only “pots” or can we use metal, fiberglass, glass or anything as – decorative pottery – to cover the growing container? Heidi, Atlantic City, NJ



Answer: Containers especially unique, stylish and engaging decorative urns and decorative plant containers can contribute as much to the overall design indoors and outdoor place as the plants they hold.

Container selection is a major component in the whole interior design with plants process. A wide variety of new colors, style, sizes and materials continue to be used and introduced into the marketplace.


When watering plants by the method referred to as sub-irrigation allows the use of many new possibilities for decorative planters. A decorative container does not need to be a pot or decorative boxes made of wood. Just make sure that drainage holes are placed and a well-drained soil is provided.

The use of self-watering containers blows the doors off potential outdoor planters.

However, over the last few years many new materials have found their way into the construction world of decorative flower pots.

In the past the select group of materials consisted of plastic, clay pots terracotta pots, ceramic, metal and even glass in the making of decorative garden pots and storage containers.

Each material comes with its own questions regarding weight and long-term reliability. New materials and a more scientific approach coupled with innovations in construction now create more new hybrid containers.

New Light Weight Hybrid Containers

Cars are not the only things going hybrid – Containers now sport the hybrid tag.

The combination of both synthetic and natural materials used together in the manufacturing process now creates sculptural forms for use indoor or out and light in weight.

For example, a unique styled fiberglass container can receive a natural metal finish of copper, bronze, cast iron or nickel applied over the top of the fiberglass shell.


This produces a container, which will slowly age over time, scratches can be buffed out, and handling becomes easier from the lightweight.

When selecting a garden decor plant pots most homeowners look only at the natural beauty but make sure to take durability and weight (light weight) into account.

Look at where the container will be used the ease of watering, etc. Does the area get lots of traffic with kids smacking into the pot?

Going with the latest new design may grow old over time. Look for clean lines and designs that will compliment almost any environment.

Colors come and go, but natural tones like copper, bronze and metallic black always seem to be popular.

In the right setting white makes for a hot, crisp and clean look for a planter or decorative pot.

One option to consider – look at taller or tall cylinder containers. When you raise plants (flowering, ferns or houseplants) using tall or slender decorative pots and containers you’ll be able to purchase a smaller plant.

Another possibility is to place a large bowl on a stand and place smaller plants in the bowl. The tall cylinder continues to be a popular preference.