5 Invasive Plants To Never Plant In Your Garden

Nobody wants to plant something in the garden or landscape… not matter how beautiful and then have it take over the whole place and become a nuisance.


The Mother Nature Network list 5 Invasive Plants not to plant:

Do you have any of these growing in your garden? Which ones would you add to the list?

Read the full article with details on each one of the above 5 plants at:

MNN.com – Invasive Garden Plants

Other Invasive Plants To Watch Out For:

Invasive Species Sold at Garden Centers

Do research before buying plants to make sure they are not invasive.

Some plants offered at gardening centers may actually be detrimental to the health of a home garden. These plants spread too quickly and will overrun home gardens.

Some examples are:

There are many other plants that may look pretty at the garden center but will be invasive once brought home. For more on this topic read this post at Epic Gardening.